Anyone know of any preschools in the 4042 area? Preferably 3-5 day programs, church programs good. I do not need full time daycare. Thanks for any leads. Just school hours or half days.
Johnson Memorial Pre-school Age 4- 4 days a week Age 3- 3 days a week Both 9am to 1pm Not sure if they are still excepting children at this time.
what you having a bad day or that time of the month. why don't you loosen up. She will get the info she needs. I was injecting a little humor on the thread. No need to rip my head off with your BS reply.
She may not get your "humor". And why does a preschool thread need humor? Go over and inject some in the dry political threads. And she'll see your reply to me and know you're not even worth dealing with.
all jokes aside, if you'll do a 'search' and type 'daycare' you'll get lots of threads with LOTS of information. Good Luck finding something, there are alot out there!
Your maturity knows no bounds. Like I said, she'll see it's not even worth reading your posts so just carry on.
My son goes to Mt. Pleasant Wee Care. It's off 42 near the new bypass. It's a church preschool. Tues, wed, thurs. 9-1. Great Place. Here's there number. Mrs Susan is who you should ask for. 553-8280