It wouldn't surprise me. After all, God has used a donkey to speak for Him before, remember? Seriously though, what do you think Biden is talking about?
Would this suggest that perhaps the U.S. won't have an international crisis if John McCain is elected? Biden is a smart man, but he often lets his words run free.
Nothing more than Biden making a prediction, in case it happens, that Obama will not be able to do any/some/most/all of his promises because whatever crisis that hits will be so severe that it takes all his time and efforts. Basically, a fall back plan.
Translation: Go ahead and practice saying "Bush caused this mess" so we can use it as an excuse over the next four years, after our approval ratings go down faster than Monica Lewinsky.
I think he's just saying that the next president will face challenges that we can't predict in advance. Joe Lieberman said something similar a couple of months ago. Of course each one thinks the candidate he supports is best equipped to handle the challenges. I did think Biden got the cart before the horse in asking for support in facing a crisis, whatever it may be. First they need to get elected, then ask for Americans to stand together in the face of whatever happens. And I think we will, just as we did after 9/11. I know it didn't last too long, but in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 we were united as a country, more than we had been in a long time.
Politico called the following the "Understatement of the day" 8) "Joe sometimes engages in rhetorical flourishes” – Barack Obama, on his running mate’s comments about the possibility of a brewing international crisis. Obama continued: “I think his core point was that the next administration is going to be tested, regardless of who it is.”
Obama would be wise to not mess with this guy. He was not scared of Bush, and he definitely ain't scared of Obama. He is not concerned with being kicked out of clubs or having sanctions put against Russia. This is one country that the US will not be able to strong-arm by any means, this should be evident with the Georgia/South Ossettia stuff that went on a few months ago as well as his adamant position regarding those shields, Bush tried for 8 years.