From WTSB's website: 9 Year-Old Caught With Loaded Handgun At Elementary School A 9 year-old who brought a loaded handgun to school Monday will face criminal charges in juvenile court. The young boy apparently rode his school bus to Four Oaks Elementary School with a loaded 9mm handgun, and was in class when another student alerted a teacher, who seized the weapon. School resource officers said the handgun was loaded with 5 bullets and had been tucked in the child’s waistband. The child and gun were removed from the classroom and no further disruptions occurred. WTSB File Photo
I KNOW!! My son is 9...................and we have guns, they are secured, but he doesn't know where they are and we don't keep them loaded! What were those parents thinking????? Someone could have been hurt or killed!
well hunting season did start Saturday. That is quite disturbing on a serious note. I hope the parent or parents get hammered on this and sent straight to the big house and never have the right to own a gun again. That is not cool. Another fine example of parenting. Maybe I'm to quick to blame, but responsibilty does lie with guardians whoever it may be.
Only things you hunt with a 9mm are people. The parents need their butts kicked. I have a niece and nephew that both go to that school. I have a 9 year old and he knows better than that. Guns are NOT toys! Did they not notice the gun missing. Hope they had a permit for it or they are in deep poopy! And they better pray it is not stolen. I'm sure the parents will get in some type of trouble. At least I hope so!
I was just talking to my son about it. His mouth dropped open and his first question was "why?" I've got no good answer for that.:? Let's use this as one of those teaching moments folks. I am just gobsmacked that a 9 year old would do that.
Product of his upbringing maybe his parents are one of the gang members around here. Like father like son. UNEXUSABLE!!!!!!!!! Take them down hard Steve B, not in our schools.
how bout if you have somebody that works there?! They were not told what happened, but were told not to talk to the media!!! We just found out details online!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!! Uh I was working there today and my 3rd grader was down the hall from said incident. I saw this vague letter refering to a 'child bringing something inappropriate to school. Well I can tell you that FOES parents are over the top angry at how this was handled. In defense of our principle David Pierce who is a great guy, you know he was TOLD how to handle this. This goes higher up the food chain than David, we need to direct our "emotions and opinions" straight to the school board who can then put Dr. Parker on the hot seat. Please people, we would all be stupid if we thought this incident was handled strictly by the principle. I say give him a break, go to the real source. People want to throw out the sheriff for talking tough, but ignore our school leader for trying to minimize the discipline issues? Give me a break. This kid better never step foot in a public school again and his parents/guardians should see the world through vertical bars. My 2 cents worth.
my people's been HERE since the 1800's. what exactly you mean by welcome? When somebody comes home from work and ask me to find out about "inappropriate material", and it's a loaded gun, should I be cool?
I got on here specifically to have my say so about this matter, not even knowing if people had found out about it yet. Let me tell you MY situation. My son, is also 9 and knows said child. My niece, 10, was in the same class as said child and was one of the children that tattled. NOT KNOWING THAT ANYTHING HAD HAPPENED, I picked up my son early from school today and made note of the sheriff car in the parking lot. When I made a comment about it, a teacher made sure to let me know that it was just a resource officer. Now, my son is in 4th grade and ever since Kindergarten, even up till Friday, there had never been a resource officer at FOES. I knew something was up, but didn't ask. Thinking if it were something bad, we'd receive a phone call. Here it is 6:25pm and STILL no phone call. I only learned of it because, like I said, my niece was a tattler. My sister called to inform me, then I'm seeing it online and hearing it on WRAL. I'm very P*$$@D, that I was not informed. My child's class was just across the hall, my niece was in the same classroom as the gun. Bad thing is, it was 1:45pm when I picked up my son from school and I as passed the sheriff car, it was as it had just been turned off, because it was cooling down. So, this child could have had this gun almost all day before it was noticed. The 4th graders ALL go to lunch around 10:30am. All it could've took was him to get angry OR start showing off in the lunchroom or on the playground. The gun HAD 5 LIVE BULLETS IN IT! FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so angry. What do we parents do? Still no call from the school, by the way.....
Yikes....I was just being nice. Although you have been around and you rarely don't me that is new. I was just welcoming you to the group. I guess I will crawl back under a rock
I just think this is a very emotion issue for those who are close to the issue and involved in the school system. Some of us a silent watcher who only write when venting.
Well My child will be in the school system next fall and believe me when I say this...I would raise Hell if this had happened in my child's classroom and STILL not being notified by the school or higher up.
Not saying it is right, but kids have brought weapons to school for years. I brought a hunting knife to defend myself 35 years ago and I saw a number of guns at school (never touched one until I was an adult).