I just wanted to let EVERYONE know that I think you guys are great!! I am close to tears to see how everyone is coming together to help fellow neighbors in need!! Group hug.:grouphug:
I was just thinking the same thing myself. This is a great group of folks and I hope each and everyone who helps receives 10 times the blessings!
I think so too. with the christmas angels and helping those in need (charities like Cystic Fibrosis Foundation) -- *wow*:hurray: What a great bunch of people we have here.
Takes one to know one, you old fart. I'm all for helping out the needy. In fact I'll be glad to help you old *** with some Depends or Metamucil.
Now there is some kindness that shows commitment to helping the needy, no better way than you donating your time and effort to change his diaper and give him his meds. Kudos and God Bless you
Y'all got that cement pond covered for winter yet, Jed? Does someone still show up at the door when the funny music plays?