OK whats going on with this situation ? Our economy is in crisis here yet shes spending the government's money to fly her children around , staying in luxury hotels for five days and four nights . Bringing her children that were not invited to attend or participate in events on the governor's schedule. Read this story good ! Makes me wonder If this isn't wasting money i don't know what is , How is she going to be a good VP ???? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081021/ap_on_re_us/palin_family_travel
Nah, it has more to do with "Country First". If someone talks about reform and cutting spending in government then why don't they start with themselves and their campaign? Just wondering, Sherry
Here we go. Taking shots at a woman and mother who wants her children with her on the campaign trail. Since the State of Alaska is being billed I say let them deal with it. She is their governor. The State of Alaska has received a lot of free advertising on TV from all the coverage of Governor Palin.
If she wanted her family with her she should have paid for their trip herself as the previous governor did. I find it odd the "experience" is ignored when it shows a questionable history now. I suppose there will not be similar bills to the federal government should McCain win and that would still not be a problem?
The bills were prior to the campaign and before anyone could have guessed there could be such an ad advantage. In any case there should have been an ethical approach to the bills.
You might want to read the article. This was way before she started on the campaign trail for VP. This is fraud against the government, plain and simple. Until we start holding all politicians....regardless of the political affiliation..responsible for their shortcomings when it comes to wasting tax dollars...then we're going to continue to get second rate politicians to choose from.
I find it quite funny to hear folks complain about a woman's character as a leader because she stuck her kids on an airplane at taxpayer expense, yet you guys defend a guy who literally pals around with and supports someone who bombed state and federal buildings (at taxpayer's expense to clean-up) and wishes he did more. Not to mention his pastor going around G-Ding America (but that didn't cost me anything). Wonder which "flaw in judgment" costs more to the taxpayer? Obama :allears: The Great Almighty
I saw on MSNBC last night that Palin has spent over 150,000 dollars on her hair, make-up, and clothes for the campaign trail. Taxpayer's money.
Correct this. It was RNC money. They can spend it as they like, as long as it doesn't violate FEC rules. And, if I had donated to support an issue, I'd consider this a fraud. Fro those of us on the outside, it appears to say one thing, while doing another, as in, the rules are made for you, but I'll do as I wish.
LOL LOL LOL Agree that more money could be saved with Palin, however her taking her Children is a good thing to do! A child needs both parents when ever possible, and didn't Obama want to save the goverment money too and help spread the wealth around??? hummm, some of the millions raised sure would help rebuild in Texas and La.... also it would help to feed those in shelters.... he has enough to beat McCain in advertising so a little sure would help the country now.
Not taxpayers money.... and did they report that all clothes were going to chairity afterwards???????
A quick question for all the liberal who are beside themselves at this outrageousness... What the heck do you care? It's not your money they are spending, it's donor's money (unless you donated to the McCain campaign, of course). McCain currently has $47 million and Obama has $134 million, three times as much. Are you afraid that people who would have voted for Mr. Obama are now going to vote for Mr. McCain because Ms. Palin is wearing Neiman Marcus?
If she's a member of AAA she could probably get some pretty good deals at Motel 6. I mean that's where Obama is staying right?
Nope, the Hampton Inn.:lol: Senator Obama Visits Dunn Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, the senator from Illinois, made a surprise visit to Dunn over the weekend. Sen. Obama spent the night in the Hampton Inn in Dunn, before a scheduled campaign appearance at the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville. Some local townspeople knew something was up when a caravan of activity buses from local schools, along with barricades and law enforcement vehicles, were set up surrounding the hotel. Secret Service agents checked the area ahead of Sen. Obama’s visit. Agents also talked with the manager of the Sagebrush Steakhouse, which shares a property and parking lot with the Hampton Inn, about the possibility of dinner at the restaurant. Dunn Police Chief B.P. Jones coordinated security from the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office, Highway Patrol and the Dunn Police force with the Secret Service. Though no one saw Obama’s closely guarded entrance into the hotel Saturday night, a crowd had gathered outside the hotel and greeted Sen. Obama when he emerged from the hotel lobby for the short trip to Fayetteville down Interstate 95. Sen. Obama reportedly enjoyed a breakfast meal prepared by the Cracker Barrell restaurant in Dunn. After breakfast, Sen. Obama shook hands, posed for pictures and met Dunn’s leaders, Mayor Oscar Harris and Mayor Pro Tem Carnell Robinson. Photo by The Daily Record WTSB 1090am