My snot monster has a make-up soccer game tonight. Supposed to have a game Sat too, but I bet it's rained out.
OWWW my feet!! Took the snotkins to the fair today and walked, and walked, and walked from about 10:45 this morning until about 8:30 tonight. Oh, and did I tell y'all that we walked at the fair today? OWEEEEE!
Kids from the late 80's and early 90's, the many times over delayed Axl Rose solo version of Guns N Roses album is coming out. Here is the first single, "Chinese Democracy" To me it sucks and it will never be the REAL GnR. Your thoughts.
The G'n R song coulda waited another 15 years, far as I am concerned. Lame-O. I early voted yesterday! yay me! :hurray::hurray:
LOL. Axl is a joke. meanwhile his drummer, Steven Adler is on this season's Celebrity Rehab (love me some Dr. Drew~reow). what a mess Steven is. so sad.
Yep, the original drummer of G'N'R, Adler. To be kicked out of that band because your habit was that bad, when the rest of them were fried says a lot. He stroked out and still went back to using. Here's a video of his that's about a year or so old. He's so fried.
This may be on the board already I don't know. Here's a video of McCain lying in a hospital bed after being released from the POW camp being interviewed by a french reporter.