I am not. I simply think that the people here who are so quick to bash Ms. Palin were far too silent when our own governor wasted our money on a trip to Italy in search of "businesses". Silent except, of course, for Hught who was defending Mr. Easley's trip and is now one of the most outspoken against Ms. Palin. I noticed that you, too, were silent on Mr. Easley's trip. You're very vocal about the governor from another state but silent when your own governor does something similar. Could the real difference be the letter after their name?
So you are saying McCain/Palin should get a free pass? Obviously you are, this is the fourth time I tried to get you to answer and for some reason you keep shying away from it.
She does indeed live in the same house, and she charged the state per diem to stay in her own house. So she saved money on personal expenses, at the expense of the state.
That's not what I said. I merely asked a question as to why there was no outrage when our own governor took our tax money and went to Italy with his wife, and yet there is a lot of outrage over a governor from another state who did not use our tax money. Answer what? You didn't ask, you just kept repeating the old tired party line. (After calling me lazy a couple of times, that is.) And I did address the non-question point, which you posted and tried to turn back on me. But, fine, if you just want to be a partisan stooge, fine, go for it. When you're ready to talk about issues that affect us instead of just putting down someone because of their party I'll be here with the rest of the adults.
Didn't complain about any of them! Just question the reason Palin was put on the ticket, when clearly she does not live up to the stated reason. Don't know about the Russia visit, what was the official reason? She probably should have borrowed Palin's binoculars.
Should Palin get a free pass? No. If Obama pulled this would the libs give him a free pass? Yes. (Although I'm sure there will be screaming from the rooftops that they are so fair and yes they would say he was wrong. Give me a break.) It's the same crap different day.
Okay, that was then and now we are discussing Palin. I should have said something because if the expense report was not within the law then somebody should take care of it. By that I mean actually following the law. Let me please remind you that we are discussing Palin! Do you or do you not agree with the accusations and that something is fishy in her world? Do you for one minute think that she broke any law? Ethics or overcharging? Do you believe changing the expense reports after the fact is to be allowed? Come on, Sherry
So, let me get this straight. If she or he saves the government (county, city, state or federal) money by reducing expenses in one category of the budget but they increase an expense on another category, which turns out to be a personal expense...that is okay with you? Sherry
Funny, I thought you were discussing misappropriation of funds. I'm sorry, please continue with the Palin bashing.
There you go, lumping all Liberals together. I want everyone to abide by the laws of the land. Period! Sherry
So, you have yet to express any outrage over Gov. Easley's trip to Italy. Care to rectify that (remember I will get a screen shot and send it to the governor's office as well as both the NCDNC and the DNC)?
I'm still shaking my head over the Taco Thread. I don't feel like being mature today and darn it I just will not! Joking, Sherry