Alaska funded Palin kids' travel

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by my4kiddies, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. myopinion

    myopinion Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  2. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    First off, you are comparing apples to oranges. The reason for the trips made by Palin and her family were never discussed, but that is your point of contention for there being "waste" of taxpayer's money in the comparison. The fact is spouses of officials have valid functions in such situations but children rarely do.

    The same can be said for you.

    Again, the same can be said of you.
  3. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    Not that it matters...but Sherry A. is a lot littler woman than Sarah Palin!!
  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Obviously, knowing anything is not a prerequisite to posting on here. Just sayin'.
  5. myopinion

    myopinion Well-Known Member

    You go Granny !!
  6. myopinion

    myopinion Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  7. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    She is very petite.
  8. myopinion

    myopinion Well-Known Member

    Oh ok ..thanks Grandma
  9. Our economy wasn't in that much of a crisis when these trips took place. Since she sold the governor's jet, commercial flights are the only option to getting to the lower 48, or 55 if you go by Obamas count. I doubt we'd expect any governor to stay in the local Super 8, now would we? It was one room and most hotels base their fees on double occupancy, adding the other two children likely didn't change the cost much. The article states Gov. Palin spent a little over $21,000 in this travel during a period of 18 months.

    Our governor, allowed us taxpayers to pay for over $170,000 to send him, his wife and a dozen others to Italy for nine days. $51,954 of that went fir the cost of hiring two chaufferred Mercedes for their use during the trip.

    Then there are those trips to Kenya taxpayers footed for Obama to go campaign for that dictator cousin of his which most certainly cost more than $21,000.

    Sarah Palin appears to be the better bargain.
  10. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    I like you doubting thomas! That you for shedding the light for all to see that no one is perfect in office!
  11. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    So there's a bargain to be had on fraud and waste of taxpayers' monies? If people excuse that type of behavior based on party affiliation, no wonder we seem to wind up with candidates that we only vote against instead of voting for.
  12. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I'm just going to Post a link where it actually breaks out the expenses and explains that the main expense was for transportation. If we don't get business out of the trip then we should question these type of expenses. Doesn't look as though he took his whole family, bought clothes or such.

    I also looked at governors from other states and they seem to do the same type of trip to drum up business for their state. Most have not taken the whole family or bought clothes at taxpayer expense.

    Going to go vote and cancel out P's vote in a few minutes. Talk soon.

    Have a great day,

    P.S. Just realized I cannot go until noon because that's when they open on Friday. Darn it!!
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008
  13. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Don't bother. You said this was a Palin bashing thread, so we don't need to discuss misappropriation of funds.

    Bash away!
  14. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Granddaddy must be in a good mood today. How exciting for your family.


  15. Democrats excuse Obamas trips to Kenya. Democrats excuse Obama's strange associations. Democrats excuse Obama's lack of executive experience. Democrats excuse Obama's ever apparent lean toward socialism.

    None of this is suprising, as Democrats have not only excused, but for decades, re-elected a murderer into the state senate and hail him as some sort of God.

    If Sarah Palin traveled around and left her kids at home, she'd get criticized for that too. The woman doesn't get a break from the other side, yet she's squeaky clean compared to 99% of those in high offices in the US. I find that amazingly biased.
  16. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    But how about those of us who critize both sides for this type of behavior? Fraud is fraud, waste is waste, and until everyone calls a spade a spade regardless of party affiliation, then we're going to contiue to get sleazy politicians to choose from.
  17. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member



    I certainly hope both sides can come together after this election and actually make a difference!

  18. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

  19. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Easy there 4 K whatcha screaming about over there. Breathe deep, relax 8)
  20. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member


    I am officially DONE with this thread ..I said what i wanted to say and more ...:lol:


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