Some of you may or may not know about this....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by bubbajane, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. Karmol

    Karmol Well-Known Member

    I was very frustrated when I went to school to have lunch with my kindergardner and realized she was able to pick and choose what she wanted to get. I understand that we don't want to waste food, but she is 5, she isn't going to choose the green beans, but if they are put on her plate she may very well eat them!!! I just don't think they should be given the option to be so choosy right off the bat. Quite often she tells me she had just nachos and an apple. I question her about meat and she says no. She doesn't request it, and no one makes her get it. I know you will say that isn't their job. But at first the kids should be given a standard plate so the kids will try everything. At that age, I think that would be more appropriate.
    On another note...she always comes home hungry. Again, she is five, she doesn't get a morning snack and then doesn't eat lunch until 12:20! Then at 2:00 she gets her afternoon snack. When snack time comes around she is still full from lunch (on days that I pack her lunch), but is famished by the time she gets home. You know, just late enough to have a snack to throw off the dinner schedule.
  2. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    My children come home hungry everyday, but I realized that it didn't matter if they choose to eat school food or if I packed their lunch. It could be from the 10:45am lunch and not getting home until 4:00pm. After a couple of months, the children will adapt.

    I do not think that we should make everyone change their habits based on something that you do not agree with, but rather adapt and go on (Obviously, some things need changing). This country is suffering because of our mightier than thou attitudes and you better not do anything to my children that I do not agree with, even if it means we go hungry during the afternoon. I am quite certain that these meals have been researched by the federal government by many doctors (which is probably why the school lunches go up). Everytime a lawsuit comes about because someone does not agree with something that has made their child upset, the lunch will go up even more due to payoffs and more research.

    I am not a trained nutritionist, nor a doctor, but I can promise you that being hungry will be one of your childs least worries in school. Let's focus on school violence and bullying.

    My 2 cents!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
  3. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    That is strange, because in Kindergarten, they are supposed to make the kids plates, and give them all a meat and 2 veggies/fruit. The teacher goes through line with them everyday. I'm not sure why your child isn't having that done.
  4. bubbajane

    bubbajane Guest

    I will say this to your statement: "A HUNGRY CHILD CANNOT AND WILL NOT FOCUS". Think about it. When you're hungry, one of the main concerns on your mind is to find something to eat. A child's mind is slightly different. When they're hungry, THE ONLY THING on their mind is something to eat. That being said, however, my son is a straight A student and doesn't let his focus drift. He's mature minded for his age, for he's not the average kid. Either way, some of you are taking this WAY out of context. Noone said anything about any lawsuits. Some of you took a simple concern I had about our children's welfare and turned it into a warzone. I was simply informing parents of what was going on, so THEY could decide whether THEY agreed if it was appropriate or not. I'm not speaking as if every person should agree that it's silly, nor am I speaking as to say that it's perfectly fine either. To each his own. I don't agree with it. Not just for my child, but ALL the children. My general concern is for them all, not just mine.
  5. Karmol

    Karmol Well-Known Member

    The day I went, I took our lunches, but the other kids at our table did not all have a meat and two veggies. The little girl across from me has three small chicken strips and a roll. And her mom is a teacher in the cafeteria at the same time!!!!
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    At Polenta, K-2 students are served by teachers or TAs. The menu amounts per serving (per FDA guidline) are identifed on the line. Kids are told what their choices are and are served what they ask for. I have lunch 3 days a week with the K-1-2s as they come in. You'd be amazed by how much these kids waste and how much gets thrown away, no matter the amount of reminding or asking kids to eat their meals.

    A lot of these kids would rather start with the ice cream or other snacks they buy (with parental permission, of course as it's an extra charge) If kids are on free or reduced lunch, they must pay cash for the snacks. I wonder why, if one can afford snacks, why they can't pay for lunch to begin with, but that's a differnt topic.

    At Polenta, there are three plastic stacked cups per table, red , yellow, green. As kids go into the lunch room, the cup is red, meaning no talking for 10 minutes or thereabouts. After ten minutes, during which the kids should have concentrated on eating, the cups go to green, meaning they are permitted to talk. If they get too noisy, the yellow waring cup is displayed, or the red may come back out.

    3rd grade students and higher serve themselves. So, if your child is in k-2, an adult was at the line advising them of their choices and serving the amount as indicated. If they are in 3rd or higher, they choose for themselves and serve themselves.

    Granted, these kids have a long day, and eat lunch early for some of them. I'd suggest sending in a healthy snack for them to have in the afternoon. And, if you think that the teacher will refuse them the snack opportunity, a note to school should suffice. I have never witnessed a teacher having a problem with a mid afternoon snack, as they know the times these kids eat.

    I eat the same meals that the kids do, when I am in the cafeteria. Is it Michelin 5 star? Nope. It is nutritious and inexpensive as compared to what a similar meal would cost elsewhere. The school lunches are less expensive than a happy meal.
  7. myopinion

    myopinion Well-Known Member

    Very well put !
  8. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    I wonder this myself, when I see someone use their EBT cards for groceries, soda, candy, etc. Then use cash for their cigarettes and beer.
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I know this is a dead thread, but..... What does free or reduced lunch have to do with it?
  10. bubbajane

    bubbajane Guest

    Because I have been told that I wouldn't have a right to complain if my child received free or reduced lunches. Obviously, some believe I shouldn't be complaining at all.
  11. bubbajane

    bubbajane Guest

    Yes, it is. Sorry I bothered any of you with my concerns.
  12. bubbajane

    bubbajane Guest

    I was just sure that my son was being fed better than that at school. Thanks for all your replies.
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And I think that is crappy. Just because a child is on reduced or free lunch, does not make him/her any less worthy than a child with a fistful of cash.

    And you did not bother me at all. :)
  14. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Bubba - I had an issue with my 5th grader (all 5th graders) not having enough food because there was hardly anything left for them after K-4 got through. So I do not sympathize with you at all... portion control is good for the kids also for weight issues that seem to plague this country.

    Just because you pay for it doesn't mean he is entitled to extras. Doesn't your child get "snack time" in class everyday? If so, maybe sending them with a snack that has more substance or just more period would help.
  15. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    I'm still at work and ya'll are making me hungry....

    I still think school pizza TURNS ME ON!!!:jester:
  16. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Used to love Shepards Pie...hhmmmmm. I tried to get my mom to make it like the school but it never turned out that way.
  17. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    barf... the school pizza now SUCKS!! They have it on wheat crust and low fat cheese and low fat pepperoni .... :ack:
  18. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    They do????? looked pretty alright to me.....big as California and tasted ok. But I was hungry and probably would have ate anything that day at school with my daughter. Do any of you remeber those peanut butter squares they used to have? Now I am 44 so this was when I was in grade school. Surely there is someone here that remembers them???
  19. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Oh yes!!! I'm only 36, but they were the best!!!... Some combination of PB and honey ... NO JELLY .... OMG ...I've tried to duplicate those things for years with no success :?

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