Update on Pvt. C...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ECAVE, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    Since FF has recently posted about her son coming home I thought it time to do an update on my son.
    He has been in training about 4 weeks and doing very well. He misses home but right now he wouldn't trade what is he doing for anything. There have been no more health issues since that first weekend. Occasionally there is a quiver in his voice when he calls home. LOL
    Letters come regularly with requests of what is going on at home. There are evidences of maturity in them as well. I do not know if I am more proud of the maturity aspect or proud that he is serving his country.
    He has made platoon guide. I do not know exactly what that entails, but he says that he has a little liberty in guiding about 60 soldiers daily. Some of you ex-military folks can probably add to that.
    Thanks for all the kinds words and words of encouragement.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2008
  2. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    How wonderful, send him our many many thanks!
  3. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    I was going to post a pic of him but I am not very savvy with the way to do it here.
  4. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    me either I think you have to have it in photobucket and use the url but not real sure on that!
  5. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    That is great. Say a big hello and thanks.
  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    :iagree: From our family as well.


    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    Platoon Leader (Guide) is usually given to the soldier in a platoon (20 -40 soldiers) who is showing great leadership skills. Those individuals are usually the ones able to do the most pushups, situps and have the best running times. Also maybe getting great test scores during training. They are usually given their own room and give out duties to other soldiers. Thats about all I can remember. It has been 25 years since I went to boot camp (Fort Knox, Cav).
    I can understand the emotion of calling home for your son. It is an very dramatic thing to go thru boot camp. Your emotionally and mentally drained. You ask yourself a million times "why did I join up for this". There were a few times I about lost it. He'll get stronger has he goes. Towards the end of boot camp that quiver in his voice will disappear.
    What branch of service is he in? Where is he stationed? God Bless you and your son.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2008
  8. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone.
    He is in the Army National Guard and considering going full time. He is receiving BCT at Fort Jackson, SC.
  9. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    I am glad your son is doing well. My little (not so little anymore) brother was recently deployed. He finished USMC basic in South Carolina March 2007.

    I recently learned how to upload pics. You can e-mail it to me and I post it if you like.
  10. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Tell him THANK YOU from HG and family!
  11. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update Ecave, glad all is well!

    We have a family member that leaves today for boot camp, he joined the Navy! Go Mel! Best of luck!
  12. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    Well I talked to him last night and he got "fired" from his PG job. He said he was the only one in his platoon to make it for more that a day. He lasted a week. He was told he had some potential for leadership by his DS. Maybe he was BSing him - I don't know. His is still carrying the platoon flag.
    He is doing well and his biggest hurdle is the running. The big PT test is in two weeks but he believes he will be there when the time comes and I am sure he will.

    Thanks for the support everyone.
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Tell him Thanks! from this Navy Brat!
  14. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    ecave ~ Glad to hear that he is doing well. I am sure when the time comes, he will do just fine on his running. I always encouraged Kyle and told him I was not worried, I knew he was going to do fine. Just keep those positive thoughts going his way. I am glad he is getting to call you. It does help not only you, but him also, no matter how short the call is.

    As far as pictures, I usually download them on my photobucket account and then use the link to put them here.

    Thank him for this Air Force Mom!! And thanks for the update. Keep us posted on his progress.

    Vivian ~ is your family member a son/daughter/nephew.....? Either way, we will also keep them in our prayers.
  15. clements4christ

    clements4christ Well-Known Member


    Hey...please give your son my best. I retired last year from the Navy, but before I did, I was sent to Iraq for 7 1/2 months. But, on my way there, I spent 3 weeks at Ft Jackson...in JULY!!!! Wow, what a chore. Tell him to hang in there. Ft Jackson will only make him a better soldier!

    God Bless Him and God Bless America!!!!!!

    Todd Clement
    PSC (Ret) US Navy

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