about the same. and I have not started. I have no idea what to get the kiddies this year. they want a cell phone, but that ain't happening.
we are doing about the same, we have almost of ds's stuff now just got to pick up a few more things for the fam's and thats it!! Just wish they would send me a freakin list already! How many more days?
Haven't started, will probably spend a little less this year as other family members have lost jobs and we've agreed not to exchange gifts this year, just to buy for the kids.
Well, probably less in general. My wife and I try to maintain our child's Christmas even if it means cutting back on our gifts. Personally, (and I mean this) I don't really care about getting Christmas gifts that much. My enjoyment comes from seeing my kid get excited...and I think this will probably be the last year 'Santa' actually comes.
about the same. but last year we spent less than in the past, so i guess technically you could say less...
Probably will end up spending more, as usual. Only difference from all the early years is that the States Spring Semester tuition is due about the same time. Ugh! But her dad and I would do anything for her, just one of those rare kids that truly shows her appreciation and is constantly telling us how much she appreciates our sacrifices to provide her with a higher education. One down and one to go and then I'm on a long vacation.:lol:
RE: Xmas Well we are still trying to figure out what we will do for Xmas. We lost all of our decorations in the fire and it will probably be avery lean Xmas. Couple of giftr for the kids, but thankful we have what we have considering what we just went through.:?
Do they have the new ripsticks?? The "all the rage" skate boards... the tween kids are loving them right now. We will keep our x-mas down this year, but the kids will not be affected.
they don't....dang red, you're good. I can do that. they spend every free moment doing skateboard stuff. :mrgreen: I will investigate. thanks!
They have them right now at BJ's for $69.99 or $79.99 I can't remember which .... they are red or blue ones.