I am so proud of the Phillies. They have worked so hard to get to the world series. Let's Go Phillies. Brotherly Love Ro
Honestly, I have selfish reasons for them to win. One of the attorneys that I work for LOVES the Phillies and she is so stoked about them winning the world series. It puts her in a good mood which puts me in a good mood. :mrgreen: But I do love to see a team like the Phillies get the glory for once...
Tampa deserves it! The lowest paid team in both leagues. Also the bigger underdog! Go Tampa! PS: Tie game!
To be honest, I wouldn't mind either team winning. Jonny Gomes played ball for my rival high school in California so I don't mind them winning even if he isn't playing. Actually, he has an "AW" tatoo for a teammate of his that was killed in a car accident while we were in high school. It was so sad. Plus the Rays are young and cute
hahahaha Happy Boss :mrgreen: Yea...was kinda bum that they had to stop the game due to rain. My Brother who still lives in Philly, says its pouring like crazy, so we will see.
That was wild last night. Only when I flipped over to MNF did I remember that it was not raining like that here! (I'm with Hotwire, go Rays.)
The game is not going to happen tonite. It will resume tomorrow if all goes well with the weather. Maybe I can get to bed early tonite
Thank you. So, early to bed tonight but maybe not tomorrow with an 8:37 start...extra innings and all!
YES....the bed has been calling me all afternoon for a nap but I fought it by keeping busy and moving around alot. I will turn in early and be rested for tomorrow night...I hope.
I'm on the Phillies bandwagon too! Moved from S. Jersey last year and am a life-long Phillies Fan(back to the Larry Bowa, Tug McGraw Era..Yikes, showing my age). I saw EVERY game of the Mitch-Williams year(I still have Wild-Thing Flashbacks to this day). Havent missed one minute of the playoffs or series the past few weeks! GO PHILS!
So not only have the Phillies had to wait to finish this game, but now they have to wait on the Messiah to deliver his message to the masses. :ack: