I wonder how he plans to boycott Mexico? Maybe he decided not to go to Taco Bell anymore (lol). Oh well his intentions are good, just misguided.
In answer to this question, I have to say no. I would, however, like to see a path to citizenship for some, with strict requirements.
To see how many in our community supports amnesty for Illegals. There seems to be alot of liberal views of how we should deal with the growing illegal problem. If Obama wins and a Democrats win the both houses, you can guarantee that amnesty will be swiftly past for the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens here. A drive to have them register democrat will soon begin, as in the Clinton years. This will mean that North Carolina, Florida, Texas, California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona will soon move out of reach for any GOP presidential candidate. Border security will go back on the backburner, and America will have a virtual open border with a Mexico of 110 million. Universal health insurance will be enacted, covering legal and illegal immigrants, providing another powerful magnet for those south of the border to come to America. I know that Reagan passed an amnesty bill in his term, which I didn't agree with. I know there will be a few that will remind me of that. This all has do to with votes. The democrats know that a vast majority of the illegals will vote democrat in the future. So they will basically will win overwhelmly any election in the future. I guess this might give you Dems more of a reason to go vote the democrat ticket. I just don't understand your reasoning to vote for a man that could not even pass a security clearance. Just remember how you voted in this poll. Let the trashing begin...
Considering that the original "amnesty", as you pointed out, was proposed by Mr. Reagan, and the only other "amnesty" was proposed by Mr. Bush, what do you base this belief on?
You're jumping ahead of yourself here. First, I don't think anyone is proposing amnesty for all illegal aliens. I do think that a bill similar to the one McCain sponsored is more likely to get through during the next administration, no matter who wins. That certainly does not provide amnesty for all, nor does it suggest immediate citizenship. It does include a path to citizenship for those already here, but it closes the door behind them. And a path to citizenship would still mean it would be several years before any of them could become citizens. They cannot register to vote until they become citizens.
I was going to say both Obama and McCain would like to have all those here in good standing go thru some kind of process to become legal citizens.
But you are still the product of an illegal alien and since the Natvie tribes had no citizenship based on being born here you would still be illegal. 8)
I am not a big supporter of McCain, but he is the lesser of the two evils in this election. His views on illegal immigration are not much better than Obamas. Our only hope is the Senate can keep enough Republicans to be able to filabuster on any vote for illegal amnesty. Pelosi and her crew have made it clear they will get a amnesty bill passed after Obama is elected.
Okay...just a quick question: Why were immigrants from Europe acceptable, but immigrants from Mexico are not? And you can't just use the illegal argument. None of the European immigrants got approval prior to boarding a ship and coming to the USA. They just showed up in NY City and were processed through Ellis Island, and there is no Ellis Island for Mexicans. So what's the difference?...Just curious about what you think.
Because Europeans wanted to be Americans in every sense of the word. They asked for nothing when they got here, and nothing is exactly what they received. They wanted to assimilate into their new country, and learning the language was the first step. Those people would not take hand-outs from the government because they were too proud. All they wanted was to earn their way to become an American, learn English, obey laws, get an education and be a good people. Not all were saints but the majority were here to prosper. Do these illegal aliens get checked medically? They don't get checked because they wish to remain anonymous. Do these illegal immigrants really want to leave their country? Most don't, but money is a necessity even though most of it is sent back across the border with no tariff. Like the immigrants at Ellis Island, do they get on their knees, and kiss the ground.? No, they leave their trash here though. Look at our jails and you will find many of them. Gangs, drugs you name it and you will see it in the police blotter. Do the illegal aliens want anything from our government? Hell yes, they want everything. Do illegals want to assimilate? Hell no! Most want their children educated in Spanish. They even want Americans to learn Spanish. This is getting to be a tad bit ridiculous. This is not Mexico (or any other country), this is the United States of America. Be an American...come here legally or get the hell out!
Technically all Mexicans are "Americans" they are not US Citizens however. Regarding the Assimilation part, obviously you did not grow up where I did. A lot of those "European" immigrants did not understand English. By the way who was the Conservative Troll who used to state constantly that the Liberals were for assimilation?
I love how general points are made followed by someone inevitably saying "yea well but in my case.......". We get it, everywhere wasn't the same but generally speaking Europeans came here to become Americans and embrace the American way of life. Illegals come here knowing they are breaking the law and are only here to make money and send as much home as possible.
Not sure what the immigration laws were then as opposed to now. Anybody used to be able to come here from anywhere..... and then they passed laws.