Need Your Input on Child Care Drop-In Service!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cristianna, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. cristianna

    cristianna Well-Known Member

    I'm a stay at home mom to 2 beautiful daughters (ages 2 & 4). With money tight these days, I am thinking about starting a child drop-in service for mom's who need a break, have errands to run, have doctor's appts, etc.. Our house is like toys r' us and I know my girls would love the interaction. I would prefer to keep only 1 or 2 children at a time. Especially, since I'm not trying to run a home daycare...only a convenient loving environment someone could drop their child off for a short period of time (4 hours or less).

    I would love any input on this idea. I know there are businesses out there that cater to drop-in service, but I was thinking of home environment and without a membership fee and much lower rates!

    I think it's a great opportunity for mom's or dad's to run quick errands or go to appointments without having to worry about finding a sitter. With the holidays quickly approaching, it would give parents time to go out and finish their Christmas shopping, or go to that office Christmas Party!

    This wouldn't be a Mon through Sun. 9-5 job, but part-time. A way for me to earn a little extra money and for my girls to make new friends.

    I would prefer drop off's to be by appointment only, but would still be available with several hours notice. And I live in a very convenient location (about 5 min. from the Bojangles on Hwy 70 in Clayton).

    I would appreciate any advice you may have.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  2. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member a sounds interesting, it sounds like a feasible idea.

    Lets see some advice...

    Do you have references available?

    I would check with the state guidelines, you may only want 1 or 2 drop offs at a time but what happens if you have 6? I think without being licensed you can only have a certain number.

    Myself as a mom, not knowing you would also want a criminal background check. (Please take no offence to that...I would do that for anyone with whom would watch my children)

    Again, just advice above, good luck.
  3. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I use screaming Mimi's for drop in care, but it is a bit far for me sometimes. (depending on where I was going) So it would be something I would consider.

    Things I would want to know....

    What is the Max amount of kids you would allow to 'schedule' at a time. What would you do if you were max'd and a parent called begging or a regular showed up hoping you could fit them in?

    What hours would you be available?

    Do you have pets/smoke/fire arms in the home?

    What other adults would EVER be there when my child was there?

    What would your back up plan be if your child was sick or you had to leave your home?

    What would your cancellation policy be (for either us cancelling or you cancelling)

    What activities would you have planned?

    What ages would you have and would you try to have certain ages on certain days or a mix all the time?

    That is the beginning of my list! I have been in home daycare, a childcare center directer, worked in the JoCo school system and have been a mom for 21 years!!! (yes and have a preschooler!!) so I am over cautious....

    Since 'Ready' isn't doing home care any more I am stuck!!! LOL

    Good luck, it could be something the community could use.

    I have a friend who has been trying to get kids with no luck.... but she is more Polenta area.... keep us posted!

  4. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Were you answering your preschooler with that last line? Oh my gosh, that is what I picture you doing, cause I can totally picture me doing it... typing away and then saying to the little one "what" and typing the word 'what'. [​IMG] That tickled my funny bone even if it wasn't the case. :lol:

    BTW, to the OP -- I think the drop-off care is a good idea for those who don't have family or friends to help out during doctor's appointments, etc.

    L, can you believe that was over 4 years ago?! :shock:
  5. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I dont know what my 'what' meant, but you are probably right! I cannot mulititask too well. Sometimes I re-read emails I sent and wonder how the heck they knew what I meant.

    Ready, I was preggo with this last one when I started bringing C off to your house! And L will be 4 in Dec! I remember dropping C off so little one and I could just go home and sleep!!

    Then we almost did the joint business ownership.... are you glad we didn't? I often wonderered how that would have been.

    OK sorry to hijack--back to home child care!
  6. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    I might use this type of service from time to time.

    I have thought about a way to make money as well. I was thinking of doing pedicures in my home. I am licensed.
    I stay at home with my daughter, so bringing kids along would be fine.
    Do you think people would do it?
  7. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Hmmm it depends on how it went. I used a lady who did hair from her home salon and her daughter was there and used to make my son cry all the time, so it was NOT relaxing. If there was a nice play area and your prices were right I would do it! Would you do manicures too?
  8. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    I have been thinking about it, and I figured it would be like Pedicures and Playdates for a marketing slogan.
    I could brew some coffee and have the kids in the bedrooms where all the toys are.
    I would do manicures as well. I do not want to do hair, since I do that for a job. LOL.

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