Thank You. Drumming up tourism business for NC, in Italy? Puleese. And let's not forget that helicoptor that he flew in to his home in Wilmington for Mem Day a few years ago, after he suggested that the rest of us stay home for the holiday weekend and conserve gas by not even driving our cars.
Very odd, you have the recallection of a politician! This thread, which you started, is titled "Alaska funded Palin kids travel" remember? Dearie, you weren't referring to all of them being wasteful, just Sarah Palin.
Dearie , If you kept reading all through the posts you would see that yes i did start talking about palin but have added much much more then just her . So keep reading dearie , You will see that i am not only talking about Mrs Palin but the others as well .
No way , I think i know that . The thread that was started was ABOUT Palin herself , Then of course like other threads moves from talking about one thing or one person to talking about alot more ...geeez
I'm just saying you would have never brought up anyone else. You would have kept it all on her like she is the only one doing any wrong!
You contradict yourself a lot, so while reading your posts is slightly amusing, they really mess me up grammatically. I see why you chose the av you did:lol:
Quotable Quotes You called it doubtingthomas, what we have here is somebody who in the final weeks of the campaign has gotten into politics and picked a nominee with little or no research.
And you have pointed out this same situation to those of the conservative inclination when they posted information about th eopposign candidate? Please help me find your "balanced" stands on those items as I am havingtrouble doing so. In fact, the only one I can point to with certainty as having made such posts is Cliff, so I am assuming I must have missed a lot of these posts. Not that I am singling you out, I am just responding to your post. I believe the same statement holds true for the rest of the folks posting after this post. If they can provide the similar reference it would also be helpful. If you all cannot provide such a proof, I might point out the common definition of hypocricy would cover these actions. :mrgreen:
Wayne why you bothering me, you know I try to stick with the issues on this crap, I was just pointing out that they didn't change the topic as they had previously stated, thats all!
Did Wayne just refer to Clif as "balanced"? Somebody must have spiked his coffee this morning :jester:
No, I never said he was balanced, but I did say he has made balanced statements. The difference is significant.
At least the Governor's wife had an official state reason for being on the trip. Certainly some of the expenses she incurred were over the top, but it appears that the state will be reimbursed by private contributions.
I read it, I was just following up on it as some comments had been made about it on this thread! Thats all!