Christmas Angels

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JenniferK, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    I'm excited this year I am already in the mood to hear it, I just refuse to start this early listening, figure I might get burnt out! :lol:
  2. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    I was over at the State Capital Building this morning in downtown Raliegh and they already have the tree with the lights and the star on it up!!! Good grief...I do agree with you!! It isn't even Halloween yet!!
  3. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    WOW....Crabtree mall was already decorating for X-mas last week.
  4. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Did you see the Presidential Candidate?

    we were crossing over Capital, for our lunch walk, and the motorcade came by! It was so neat!
  5. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    We walked over there but the line was literally at least a mile to get in so we turned around and came back...couldn't get near the Mall.
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    The youtube clip I posted on the other side was from his Raleigh appearance today.
  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    we just happen to time it just right, crossing over to the Greenway, and we literally saw a cop just pull across all lanes and stop all traffic coming down capital....then here come about 14 motorcycle cops, then the convoy of buses, limos, sedans, cops, helicopters heading was super cool!
  8. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    oh cool! I will go look! Thanks KDs! Did you go?
  9. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    LMAO! That was a freaking riot!! :lol::lol:
  10. shygrrl

    shygrrl Well-Known Member

    Nothing gets me in the spirit of Christmas more than a good Christmas song...such as "Merry Christmas from the Family"!!
  11. 4Christ

    4Christ Well-Known Member

    Where do you find the people who need help? We would like to adopt a family at work...
  12. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Typically, we ask for nominations. Thru an independent review, we speak to the families and make a determenation.

    This year, the committee became aware of 3 families who needed help, thru participation in this board, and decided to help them.

    Honestly, we're going to have a total of 3 families with 12 KIDS total, so if your office would like to help us, we'd be thrilled. We're going to need all the help we can get because we have bigger hearts than we do wallets.

    Within the next few days, I'll have a list posted. I know you said your office would like to adopt "a" family, but if you could help with the group adoption of 3, that would be awesome!
  13. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You waiting on a television? Joking, folks, just joking with HG! :jester:

  14. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    that is what I am going to do, is send out an email with the info and ask that poeple help with this project!
  15. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    That's a great idea!
  16. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Okay my little elves! Here's the information that you've all been waiting for.

    Now, this year we've chosen three families from THIS BOARD. I was going to just post all kids ages/sizes/etc as one big group, but people like to feel like they *know* who their giving to.

    With this said, I need you all to respect the privacy of these families.

    Please don't ask me who they are, please don't post your guess as to who you think they are, and please don't PM people and ask them if they are one of the families. It's not nice, and it really shouldn't matter.

    Just know that they've been carefully screened and selected because they are in need and deserving, okay?

    Family #1

    Newly single mom w/ three kids

    A boy, age 14-
    white undershirts (t-shirts) would be good, size Adult M
    jeans-Lee Husky 18, they are available at Kohl's. I think they are relaxed fit. He is pretty plain jane no bootcut or carpenter style, and does not like light colored jeans. Dark denim or faded black are his cup of tea.
    shirts-he doesn't like alot of graphics, and those would be a size M/L in adults.

    Wishes- He would like the new ACDC CD, and a giftcard for Play N Trade would be good as he already has some store credit there. He also has an Xbox, although I'm unsure of what games he has.

    A girl, age 4-
    size 5 in pants and a medium shirt. Socks shoes size 12, panties size 6 - bikini is what she prefers as she does not like stuff pulled up around her belly

    A girl, age 2-
    size 2T or 36 mos, socks shoe size 7.

    Wish list for the girls-
    dollhouse furniture and family (mom is restoring a dollhouse that was hers as a child, the rooms measure 9 inches tall, and the doors are 4 to 5 inches.)

    The dollhouse has a living room, a foyer, a master bedroom, kids bedroom, kitchen, and bath. The girls LOVE horses and the girls both love Dora and Diego, Barbie, and of course animals esp reptiles and dinosaurs.

    Family #2

    A newly single dad, one child lives with him, the sibling lives with mom

    Girl, age 13

    Clothes-size 13-14 women's pants.She really only wears jeans.She does like the skinny jeans that are tight down to the ankle,She really will only wear sports type t-shirts and skateboard kind of shirts,she is starting to wear some with girl colors which look nice on her,She wears size 8 boys skateboard shoes or the checkered board/polka dot style slip ons etc

    Wishes-Non named, not a girly girl, plays softball, likes sports

    Girl, age 9

    Clothes-size 16 pants and shirts in youth,misses or junior sizes,She is a girly girl and wears most anything most girls wear.Her shoe size is size 4 youth

    Wishes-Typically 9 year old girly girl

    Family #3-

    Working class family, Dad works, Mom stays home with kids

    6yo boy-- size 5 and size 11 shoe

    8yo boy--size 7/8 and size 4 shoe

    9yo girl-- size 4T and size 12 shoe

    9yo boy--size 10 and has to have special shoes due to prosthetic and clubfoot.

    13yo girl--size 8 women's and size 8.5 shoe women (very tall for her age)

    13yo boy--size 12 boys and size 7 mens shoe

    15yo girl--size petite 8 woman's (woman's small in shirts) and size 6 shoe

    Wishes-Board games
    Decks of cards
    Frisbees, jumpropes, hoola hoops, etc.
    Skateboards (they all share 1 right now)
    Arts and crafts supplies (construction paper, foam paper, glitter, etc.)
    Jewelry making kits
    movies (just no rated R)

    Now, I know that's a lot to process, and I know we've got a huge undertaking here, but we can and will do this.

    Some of you are bargain shoppers and may have picked some things up over the past year that would be appropriate to give. Some of you will enjoy picking a child or a family and buying specifically for them, and some of you will just want to give cash/gift cards. Also, if you'd like to give new/very gently used clothing, that's fine too. But please, please make sure that it looks new.

    All of the above is fine. I will provide my paypal address to anyone who prefers to give that way. Rest assured that every single penny will go to these families. Also, as a side note because I know that it's important to some, we don't give them cash. If we don't purchase things for them, we put any money on a gift card (walmart/foodlion/visa/etc) for them.

    The deadline to get your stuff to me is Wednesday, December 17th

    Please feel free to contact me with questions.

    Now, I've given you almost two months! Dig deep, and let's help these families have a great Christmas!
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2008
  17. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the post Jen. OK, one question...where do I start???? Should we let you know when we get something so you can "check your list" ??
  18. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Sorry..another question. When we get something should we wrap it?
  19. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member


    Great question.

    If you buy one of the *big ticket* items, please let me know, and when you drop it off to me, I'll post that it's been bought.

    For the other stuff, well for example, in family #1, the girls like horses. If you bought a few horses and I bought a few horses too, it wouldn't be that big of a deal for them to get 4 or 5 horses.

    It would probably be a good idea to save the receipt too. That way when I'm putting everything together, if there are too many duplicates, we can return some items.

    Or, if you don't have the time/inclination to shop, you can always give cash/giftcards.

    Oh, and please don't wrap it! We'll donate gift wrap to the parents. Most of the time, they enjoy doing that themselves!

    Thanks so much!
  20. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I have forwarded the info to almost everyone in my email addy book. Hopefully, I will get responses. Also, if anyone is in the McGee's/WJHS area, I will be glad to be a drop off point.

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