Back to the original topic, they have charged the husband according to this article.:cry:
All soldiers are trained for combat (at least ARMY) I should know, I trained many of them. That is why you go to basic training first and not straight to AIT. Your a combat soldier first. Anytime your in a combat zone you maybe called upon to be a combat soldier. Please don't make comments if you have no idea what the hell your talking about, IDIOT!
Ok, very well. Show me another thread where I started out arguing for the sake of arguing. As far as I can tell, you simpl;y don't like me because I disagree with your views that you feel strongly about. It would seem to you that "arguing" simply means disagreeing.
Me? never ....:mrgreen: I guess growing up in a military town for 20 years and a step dad that served 24 years in the Navy isn't enough to have knowledge ....
The ones that get the extensive training are not women... they are taught the bare essentials to survive in case they need it.... but they are not trained for an all out war ....
Well I guess the lesbians are getting in the act now. They have to be equal you know.
Dang another Navy girl, you and C-lo. Navy is quite different than the Army or Marine training. Only Seals and Seabees will get combat training similar to Army and Marines, it may have changed over the years.
Navy, please. No wonder you think women are not trained in combat. Please tell me what you think soldiers (women) are trained in ARMY boot camp?
Yeah I thought that everybody goes through the same thing? Didn't realize the girls get a different routine in any branch of the military.
Which is so sexy. You don't even know. I went to high school with a guy that is a Navy Seal and I was in love with him in high school but he's the one that got away. Sigh. Anyway, you love the ladies and I love the men in uniform