You missed closing the borders. But we wouldn't want a big ugly fence and armed men to make them feel unwelcome, would we?
I didn't miss your comment about closing the borders; I said they would find a way back in. We have a lot of open borders; not just the one running along Mexico. Go out on a boat off the NC coast sometime and see if anyone stops you on the way back in to check your papers. Actually I wouldn't want to live in a place where they check your papers...sounds a little Nazi like to me. The fact is that you can't control every inch of the U.S. border, and they will find ways back in.
Of course, but the majority would be kept out and they would think twice before trying to return after imprisonment and deportation. And you can't control other countries, either.
I have never wanted a fence. When a fence becomes your immigration policy, its time to start over from scratch. We should make it a crime to rent to illegals, sell to illegals, loan money to illegals, hire illegals, etc. If they are given amnesty, this country and all it stands for will be dead to me. Citizenship won't mean a damn thing and this will just be a huge anarchy instead of a country. I will use every opportunity to return that disrespect right back to my government.
I have an idea, the schools should utilize 40/42 site for teaching History, they can get more info here than anywhere else. :lol:
Not saying I do either, but it seems like the only option at this point as greedy as Americans have become with respect to the crimes you are suggesting - renting to illegals, selling to illegals, loaning money to illegals, hiring illegals, etc. Maybe then we would take down the fence and start from scratch after passing those laws and enforcing them?
You answered your own question: There is an "Ellis Island" in San Diego, El Paso, and other border cities.
Oh so now we are supposed to take care of Mexico? You liberals Enlightened person and moan about the US ridding the world of an evil dictator in Iraq but then turn around and want to help a corrupt nation like Mexico end poverty. Unbelievable. And for the record, nobody is blaming the immigrants for coming here. I blame the US for making it so easy for not only allowing them to arrive, but for making it even easier to stay.
You read me completely wrong. I think you need to read some of my other posts. I'm not saying that our government needs to help them, I'm saying that our government needs to force Mexico to do something about it.'re right, we should just let Mexico keep sending us their poorest people. We're much better equipped to take care of them than they are.
Yes they are. These people are being demonized every day, and they haven’t done anything that any of us wouldn’t do if we were in their same shoes.
No, we shouldn't and that's the point. Here is the analogy I love to post occasionally... Picture this... You live in a nice middle income type home. Next door to you there is a shanty where your neighbours live. A nice enough family, but a little on the low income side, if you know what I mean. Y'all are friendly enough. You did help him rebuild his porch when the wind blew it down a couple years back. And when the youngest daughter was sick, you sent over soup and even helped buy some medicine for her. One day you come home from work and discover that your front door lock has been jimmied. You go inside to find your neighbours oldest son sitting on your couch drinking a soda and watching your TV. You ask him what he's doing in your house and he tells you that it's much better here than home. You politely ask him to leave and he tells you he doesn't want to. He says he was nice, though. He mowed your back yard and washed your dishes. Just then you hear the oven buzzer sound. He gets up and walks to the kitchen. You follow him and see him take the steak you bought out of the broiler, put it on a plate. He sits down at the table and begins to eat. What's your next move? Do you throw him out on his ear? Or do you take the broken lock off your door and invite the rest of the family in to live with you? This is basically what illegal immigrant advocates are actually advocating.
No I didn't clarify your position I simply clarified your opening quote on shanty's. This country, hell county's here have homeless camps in the woods where they can and bridges for a roof, it's a world wide problem not just parts of Mexico.