Anyone know to get up with Riccobene?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by FrameMaMa, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I am trying to get up with the Riccobene group.
    I need to get my butt in gear and get there, but I can't make
    myself pick up the phone.
    I am completely TERRIFIED of the dentist.
    Tried emailing from thier website and the email link is no good.
    For some reason I can type it but I can't make myself call them.
  2. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    Garner Office
    5638 NC Highway 42,
    Suite 214
    Garner, NC 27529
    Fax: 919-661-6820
  3. le

    le Well-Known Member

    Ugh, I despise being forced to use the telephone. Call them Frame, 661-6161, call them.
  4. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I almost got it.
    I picked it up, dialed and hung up.
    Dang it.
    If I wasn't so afraid, this would be no problem.
    Email seemed so much easier.
    Anyone go there?
    How much do you think they would charge just to look and tell me what
    I might need after 20 years of no dental work:oops:
  5. le

    le Well-Known Member

    Are you new? Have you never seen all the applause for Riccobene on here? Where is hg when you need her? :p

    The whole office is pleasant with some terrific hygeniests. If you are that terrified, when you pick up the phone again, 661-6161, tell them so and request to be seen by Dr. R. himself. He will take good care of you, really.
  6. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Not new, must have missed the dentist threads.
    Then again I tend to run at all things about drills, picks, big lights in your face.....*shiver*:chillpill:

    I will get the guts real soon.

    i hope:lol:
  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Here I am!

    Frame GO SEE HIM!!! You will LOVE him and his staff. When you make your appt, ask specifically for Dr. Riccobene to see you. And make sure you tell him who you are on 4042.

    Go on now, git! :lol:
  8. gillac

    gillac Well-Known Member

    I sent you a pm. But, I was in a similar position as you not to long ago. I made an appointment and have made lots of progress. Let me know if you have an questions about my specific experiences there.
  9. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I was at the point I wanted sedation dentistry because of my prior bad expereinces at the dentist. I switched to Dr. Brown at Dr. R's 4042 office. Unfortunately she left to start her own practice. I never felt a thing when she worked on my teeth. Our entire family now sees Dr. Abernathy at the McGees office. She is another top-notch dentist. My children (ages 6 & 8) LIKE going to the dentist because of their experience with her.

    The longer you wait ...the worse any problems you have could get. Make the call and at least go in for a consult.
  10. Raven

    Raven Well-Known Member

    FrameMaMa Send him a PM,,, ifloss ,is his screen name
    hope this helps
  11. ponychick

    ponychick Well-Known Member

    I like Dr. Riccobene's office so much, I took my child there even when their insurance didn't cover it. Our insurance has changed, and I started going to the same office, with a lot of trepidation, as I hadn't been in so long. I can't tell you how much I like that office. Everyone there is so friendly, from the front desk to the dentists. I've seen three dentists there and like them all. I don't specify who I want to see because they're all fantastic.

    I didn't think I would be able to have someone work on my teeth without some heavy sedation, but I felt nothing. And trust me, they ask you constantly if you feel okay. You have to call them, they are the best.
  12. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Thanks ya'll.
    I will PM him and see if he gets back to me.
    If not I will get my chicken butt up there and see him.
    I'll see him anyway.
    It has been too long.
    I am going to be a nurse, I want pretty teeth:mrgreen:

    Thanks everyone!!
  13. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Girl...your too funny.

    I never met Dr. R personally and I am not even his patient but he has and tried to help me in the past. Your in good hands. Go see him.
  14. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Tell them how nervous and scared you are. That's what I did. The staff is WONDERFUL. "Dentist" was one of my top 3 fears for almost three decades. WAS. Talk to them, work with them, they really are the best. EXTREMELY gentle, patient, kind ... I dont think I've even been particularly uncomfortable even what with having some wisdom teeth out, an impacted tooth, a root canal, some fillings ... all things that would have made me sick to my stomach just THINKING about.

    "The only way to fight your fear is to face your fear."
  15. SavannahAnna

    SavannahAnna Well-Known Member

    Everyone at Dr. R's Flowers Plantation office know me as "CHICKEN LITTLE". I actually shake when I am in the chair - even for a cleaning. Just the idea that the little pic instrument they use MIGHT find a cavity sends me into an anxiety attack.

    With that being said, everyone in the office is very considerate of patient's fears, anxities,.... They put me at ease, talk to me during the entire procedure - even Dr. R makes jokes with me. He knows I don't like being there so he works as fast as he can to get me in and out. I've had work done under sedation, regular novacaine (?), and simple cleanings. NO COMPLAINTS! My husband, 3 daughters, and 6 grand children all go to him.
  16. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Dr. R. is wonderful and so is his staff. We have been seeing Dr Bakey at the 4042 office (If you ask for him as your dentist when you make an appointment, I think his full name is actually Abdulbakey but everyone calls him Dr Bakey) and he is great. He performed a root canal and did my temp and perm crowns last month and was fabulous. Wonderful personality and I am very impressed with the work on the tooth. My youngest really likes Dr Bakey as well. I have also always been very pleased with Dr. R's work and chairside manner.

    Good luck!

  17. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Hubby went to Dr. R a few weeks ago for a filling and it was over $600!! For one filling!!!!

    I'm not saying they are not excellent in what they do but dang they are high. We had to pay way over $100 out of pocket for that visit.
  18. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    He must have had more than just a filling or there was just a billing mistake. If I recall fillings are usually $125-$150 ... or something like that...we've certainly not paid anything close to $600.
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  20. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Glanced at that ^ quickly and thought it said "that sounds like crap on a clown"... think I need to get my eyes checked. :oops:

    Frame, go to the dentist woman! We're all patients of Dr. R (not him personally, but his office) and we've never had any problems or complaints.

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