I am retired from the US Navy, but before I retired, I served 7 1/2 months in northern Iraq. I agree, wholeheartedly with this young man. Please take 2 minutes out of your day and watch this....then vote carefully. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4fe9GlWS8
I did not watch this video as I was fairly sure of the slant it would take. That said, I do appreciate, respect, and honor his service, as I do all that of all veterans. One can find as many veterans that support Obama as McCain. Just because we are veterans or active duty doesn't mean that we all vote one way or the other.
11 Million people have seen the video. I think you can spare the soldier two minutes of your time. You won't be sorry, regardless of your political leanings.
gee Hatt you can do better than that. don't disregard it if you didn't take time to watch it, if anything no comment would work.
I've seen the video and respected his service and sacrifice. However, the reason we went into Iraq was not to liberate the Iraquii people from Saddam but because we thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
With all due respect, that arguement has been played out. Liberating the Iraqi people from Saddam was a mission that we had to accept. We need to be there until the job is done.
I agree with the above poster. It's hard to deny what the soldier said, but I think the debate has always centered on why we are there in the first place.
I agree that was a mission from the get go rid them of Saddam and yes WMD were in the mix as they should have been, there is facts they did have and used them at one point.
I support our troops and admire them for all they do, but there is always a flip side. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnvQ_4G8l4w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRST-j3cb78 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQzpjoFAxDo Yes, please do vote carefully ........