Frame I was just like you. Had bad experiences with a dentist when I was small. I've always gone to the dentist every 6 months for cleanings. When I was older and on my own, I switched to a dentist in Garner (Ready knows who I mean). Since I went faithfully every 6 months with never any problems I thought everything was ok. Well I decided a couple of years ago to switch to Dr. R because everybody said he was so great. Imagine my surprise when I went to him and needed a lot of work. I had one tooth that I kept telling my old dentist was bothering me. He just said "We'll keep an eye on it"...yeah he kept an eye on it ok. When I went to Dr. R's office I had NEVER had an entire mouth xray. My dentist didn't do that. Well of course that tooth my old dentist was keeping an eye on, was decayed all the way around at the gum line. So I had to have a root canal. Girl I was spazzing!! I am terrified of the dentist. I used to have to take a xanax just to go in for a cleaning. I've not seen anybody but Dr. R at his office but I can say he is wonderful. He keeps me calm and now I don't even have to have a xanax before I go. I will admit to the sedation for the root canal though. No problems at all. I've had to have probably 7 or 8 fillings since I started going there.....some were just old and needed replacing...but the fact is, I survived! My teeth are great now and I am soooo glad I had it all done. Just tell Dr. R how you feel and he will make you feel at ease about all of it. And like someone else said, he'll talk and constantly ask you if you're ok. You don't even have a chance for any pain!! He's really and out before you know it. Call him him TODAY!!! You'll feel lots better once you make that call. Brenda
I think I am going to call today. When you have that many people telling you its ok, it must be. I will call today. Do they have any financing options? No dental in this house.:banghead: yet.
I just said to my husband last night that I needed to make an appointment with the dentist because my porcelain filling has worn down but that I was so afraid to go (have not had the best experiences either - when I was a teenager and had to have fillings my denist never used novocain). I have the white knuckle sydrome going on when I sit in the chair. I'll have to gather up some courage and give him a call as well.
Yep, happened to me one time many years ago. About 8 years old and in an Air Force Dental Clinic when my dad heard me crying, he walked in the room, asked the dentist WTH he was doing to his little girl, he stated back "just filling her tooth" (no novacaine because he said it was a tiny cavity) when my dad very politely informed him he'd give me someone for the pain or he'd be using his toes to do the next patient's dental work and there'd be no more piano playing. Ya don't want to mess with a man that's seen action in two wars.
Dr. Vandermeer(sp) by chance? She used to have a practice in Clayton and I went there for many, many years. Never had a shot in my mouth until I started having to have some old fillings replaced... when I was in my 30s! Fortunately, the fillings I got from Doc Van never hurt so I have never been afraid of the dentist.
One general question: Which of the area dentist are best with children...and affordable. Our insurance doesn't cover dental. Also, just in case Dr. Riccobene happens by....I'd like to ask him a question: Can TMJ problems be covered under normal health insurance or does it require dental. Since its more to do with the jaw, I would think that maybe health insurance would kick in here some. A relative of mine is having TMJ problems and that's why I was asking.
I LOVE DR. R!!! I had huge fears as well and avoided the dentist at all costs until I found him. My daughter (5) started going to Dr.Abernathy at McGees and we LOVE her! Just had an appt this week that went perfect. Call any of Dr.R's offices, you will not be disappointed!
I like Dr Abernathy too! She pulled a tooth that had a root canal and crown. I felt a little pressure but no pain. I didn't even know she was finished.
Let it drift,, Out and about, I check in every now and then just to see if you and Magnolia are behaving yourselves and not beating up your fellow man Or woman:lol:
I totally agree - ask to see only Dr. Riccobene. Not that his associates are not wonderful, but I think you would feel very comfortable with him. If it makes you feel better, my whole family goes to him, even my little kids. My daughter had some "sugar bugs" and needed a filling and they were absolutely wonderful.
No- not the same dentist - my dentist was back in Binghamton, NY - when I got out of the Army, I had to go back to have a filling done and when I asked for Novocain, he made the comment that as a kid, I never had it. I told him I didn't know it was an option - what a jerk he was.
I'm also terrified of the dentist but got a root canal at Dr. Ricobenes office on Thursday and survived with only a little pain! His website is
Was just checking also ... did ya call yet? Did ya, did ya? We DO know where you live (at least 'virtually'), you know .... *nudge*