New 4 Way stop on Cornwallis Rd

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Jean S, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    Did anyone else notice the congestion caused by the new 4 way stop on Cornwallis Road last night? I live off of Cornwallis road and trying to get out of the subdivision and across Cornwallis was a nightmare, it was backed up almost to the bridge! I think this is going to cause way more problems than what they were trying to correct. IMO a 4 way stop was not needed there, if anything maybe a stop light that is triggered when someone pulls up from Josephine or Shiloh to get across or onto Cornwallis, but to make Cornwallis Road traffic stop at a 4 way stop, major traffic jam for Cornwallis.... Plus, many people dont know exactly what the laws are at a 4 way stop, who has the right of way. I see confusion, frustration and fenderbenders.... Just wondering if anyone else noticed the traffic back up this is causing and knows what prompted the decision to put a 4 way stop there.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    "Trippable" light makes sense, but I'm sure DOT wanted it done on the cheap.

    As for driver confusion at a 4 way, read the driver's manual. Generally, the first person to the sign goes first. If 4 drivers, get there simultaneously, all it requires is some basic courtesy for one person to wave the others through. Few things are so important that you must always be first through the stop.
  3. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    My big complaint about the 4 way stop--no ones seems to know the rules--so here is my PSA for the day

    1. What qualifies as a "4-way stop?"

    A 4-way stop can be posted with stop signs pointing all four directions. When stop lights are flashing red all four directions, that's a 4-way stop too... and if the lights aren't working at all, it is an automatic 4-way stop.

    2. Do I HAVE to stop a 4-way stop even if there is no traffic?

    YES. Even if there is no traffic in any of the other three directions, when you come to a 4-way stop you must come to a full and complete stop... that means your wheels have to stop rolling completely! Once you have stopped and looked both ways, then you can start back up and go through the intersection.

    3. Who goes first at a 4-way stop?

    If you get to the intersection before any other cars, you have the right of way. If two or three cars arrive at the same time, the vehicle on the farthest right has the right of way.

    4. What about 4 directions of cars waiting at a 4-way stop?

    The alternating directions take turns. In other words, north and south go, then west and east. Those turning left yeild to the car coming the opposite direction, just like with a green light.

    5. how many cars go at a time?

    ONE. A 4-way stop alternates directions, one car from each direction at a time. Even if the car in front of you just went through, you must come to a full and complete stop, and wait for the car in each of the adjacent directions to go.

    6. What if more than one car is trying to come through from an adjacent direction?

    While it may be your turn, common sense says yield until the intersection is clear. It's not worth the car or physical damage just to defend your right of way. Wait until the cars have stopped coming, then cross.

    7. What about emergency vehicles?

    Like normal, if you see a fire truck, police car, or ambulance with their lights and sirens on, they have the right of way and if they are behind you, you should get over to the right side of the road if you can.

    8. ...If there's a person in the crosswalk?

    Pedestrians still have the right of way. Please don't run them down.

    9. ...If it's someone else's turn and they won't go?

    If the person who has the right of way is sitting there looking at you and not moving, then I would proceed CAREFULLY through the intersection. No sense backing up traffic because somebody else doesn't know the rules.
  4. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    I'm glad I'm not the only one frustrated by people behind the wheel who have no idea what they are doing at a 4 way stop!!!! With idiots like this on the road we're all still in big trouble after they get through the stop because gosh knows what other simple road rules they don't have a clue about :banghead:
  5. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    I agree, a little knowledge about traffic rules, a little common sense, and a little common courtesy go a long way, but we all know that all 3 are sometimes in short supply when people get behind the wheel.
  6. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    My motto: When in doubt give more gas. :lol:
  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I'm not even going to take Cornwallis now. NObody knows when it's their time to turn! (except for me)
  8. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    I can only imagine that it will be a nightmare on mornings when I try to get the kids to school.
  9. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    evidently rules are made to be broken when it comes to 4 way stop signs.
  10. newlifetaxidermy

    newlifetaxidermy Well-Known Member

    The problem with this intersection is that folks did not stop at the stop sign to begin with. I had a guy run the sign in front of me one night and my brother was t-boned there a couple months ago by someone that did not stop at the sign. The only way to fix it is some sort of light...even a flashing light for the Josephine crowd would work.
  11. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Wondered why they did not put a blinking light like Swift Creek and Cleveland. Seems like that and maybe some rumble strips approaching the stop sign would be a better solution.
  12. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    Are you referring to the new....

    Tap Your Brake and Drive Through The Intersection

    on Cornwallis Road???

    I have been through the intersection a few times now. The most recent was on Saturday around 5pm. I came up to the 4-Way and was the only vehicle. I had a vehicle on my tail. I came to a complete stop. Looked all 3 directions and had the vehicle on my tail beep his horn at me to hurry up. Looking in my rear-view mirror while going through the intersection, the vehicle behind me stayed right on my tail going through the intersection WITHOUT him stopping at the 4-Way stop sign.

    I suppose his version is if he tails close enough to the person in front of him, the vehicle in front constitutes his stop.
  13. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    I had a guy in front of me the other day go thru the stop sign at that 4 way. I dont know why he didnt see it with all the warning signs they had up. Need a cop to sit there a couple of days. I agree it needs a light. So does Mclemore and Cleveland. I put in a request 4 years ago which was approved for a light there but you see that DOT has not got off there arse to get it done.
  14. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    I swear day when one of those idiots on my right waves me through a 4-way stop I'm going to get out of my car and teach a lesson on the rules.

    Ya'll just go around me while I'm teaching.
  15. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I agree it is a crazy idea a 4 way stop.
    --- I do also agree that rumble strips on the Josephine & ? road sides would be much better. Then go for a REAL Stop Light with the trip to green feature when needed. Yes, More $$$$ but much better too.
  16. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Sounds like the type of driver that rear-ended me at Clev/mclemor, you know how folks like to roll-thru that one too. Well - I pulled up and stopped, he apparently thought I was going to roll-thru cause he plowed into the back of me when I stopped. When the cops got there - his remark was 'she stopped' - yea - dumba$$, I stopped for the stop sign!!! Needless to say, he got a ticket :mrgreen:
  17. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    This is one of those things that drives me crazy (people not being able to drive). My suggestion @ 4-way stops is to signal your intentions with your turn signal (its the little stick to the left of the steering wheel) :p

    Also motion to the other persons with your hands. Wave them through if they havent figured it out.

    And most importantly, hang up the phone, pay attention and drive.
  18. youwish2bme

    youwish2bme Well-Known Member

    This has to be the most stupid NCDOT act yet... I will avoid that area now....
  19. seabee

    seabee Guest

    whats up also with the All Way stop, did they run out of 4 way stop. I don't recall seeing an all way sign at a 4 way intersection before.
  20. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    OK, I came through the intersection Monday night around 8:15pm on my way home from the Clayton JCGOP Headquarters. There was a vehicle already sitting at the 4 way stop to the left of the intersection where I was approaching. There was a vehicle directly across from me approaching the 4 way at the same time I was. The vehicle to my left was sitting at a dead stop prior to me and the vehicle across from me arriving at the 4 way. All 3 of us sitting there waiting for this moron who had been sitting at his stop sign prior to us arriving. Finally, the vehicle across from me inched into the intersection. He and I drove through the insection. I looked in my rear-view as I was leaving the intersection and THEN the moron drives through the intersection to the other side.

    Question: So how long does a moron sit at a stop sign before he feels it's his turn?

    Answer: Apparently after every other vehicle in sight is gone.


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