Whoa, I hope she doesn't identify herself that way, I would be embarrassed. The troll part, you're probably right about.
Yeah, not sure where she was going to go with the Obama thing, but she must have changed her mind. A troll avatar would indeed be much more appropriate. :cheers:
Yes. It is a faith-based moral agenda just as radical as anything Jerry Falwell ever proposed, and their proselytizers are 100 times more dogmatic. If you preach homosexuality to my kids, then I'll preach anti-homosexuality to yours. Our best bet is for both of us to leave it at home.
Calling it a faith based agenda shows how little you understand about the issue. Your "if you are not against it, you must be for it" mindset is outdated and just plain wrong. Promoting the tolerant view concerning namecalling is not promoting the actions any more than pointing out the anti-Jewish sayings should not be used is promoting a conversion to the Jewish faith. I have to use a religious reference because that is the only true faith based references. To promote the avoidance to similar sayings about minorities is not promoting a conversion to that minority no matter how you might want to twist it. The closest reference outside of religion is politics, where the Libertarians have a faith the "market" will go everything eventhough it has been proved to be easily controlled in the past. Next in line would be the conseratives who wish to add religion to their politics. Sexual orientation, however is not based on faith, it has a scientific basis.
that's what I was thinking.....you put those out there for all to see, there are gonna be stalkers. :jester:
I think Jester said it best. I certainly don't want my 5 yo coming home with questions about sexual orientations!!!!
Hey Mafia, were you up to your dirty tricks in Ohio? By the way the size of that nut is ridiculous! :mrgreen: http://www.politico.com/blogs/annes...t_biden_no_what_here_in_America.html#comments
But liberals are doing much more than just promoting a "tolerant" view. They are promoting a moral agenda. And they are blatant hypocrites because they are vehemently intolerant of mainstream religious views. Imagine a teacher passing out pledge cards asking kids to pledge not to speak negatively against Christians. These same people would hit the roof. Instead of the homosexual agenda, how about just no name-calling ...period. Yea sure :roll: ...in that case everything ultimately has a scientific basis.
Then go bury your head a little deeper, hon. The only way they don't come home with questions is if you teach them at home. It starts very young in the school system nowadays, and not from the teachers. Kids in divorce having multiple "parents", kids in single households never knowing but one parent, kids with "two dads", kids with "two moms". They're your neighbors, my neighbors, my friends, etc, etc. Point is, you don't know what they're seeing and hearing from their peers unless you are there with them every moment of the day...as their shadow. Teach them at home, at their level, before their peers have a chance to "educate" them. Frogger <go, squirrel-dude>