School starting time???

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay, BIG problem for tomorrow. I need to know what time is the earliest I can send my son into school doors at Westview. Usually he rides the bus. However, he is suspended off the bus. Trouble is, we have to be at UNC for our son's pre-op at 9am. Can not call obviously beforehand as that is when they open. They WILL cancel if you are not there on time(they've done it before when we got stuck in a wreck on I-40). This is our ONLY chance to have our son's surgery that will change his life! Now, I need to know the earliest on when to get him there. Oh, and how to punish him to a pulp! NOT kidding. This kid is going to know what misery is by the end of these 3 days if we have anything to say about it. what he did is NOT tolerated in this house. Ever. I wish the school would actually punish him. Do you think they'll allow him to clean the buses out if we watch him? I'm being serious. when we were younger I remember kids getting in trouble on the bus and they'd have to scrap gum, wash windows, etc. Do you think they'll let him do that? Just curious if anyone knows. Yes, we have punishments at home doled out but being punished by cleaning the bus would have more a profound effect I think. Thanks for letting me know when the school opens.

    stephanie--mom to 7
  2. dephygravitee

    dephygravitee Well-Known Member

    The West View web site says "doors open at 8:20 am" there a neighbor or friend who he can get to school with?

    Hope it works out for you...I know you have a lot on your plate!
  3. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Sorry, no info....

    Is N getting Cochlear's tomorrow????? Really???

    Drop him off here and I will get him to school. Might be a tad late after I get mine on the bus (different schools) but I will get him there. Hubby is out of town or I could come there.

    PS-- when I worked in the school I had a kid do something wrong in the bathroom and mom wanted him to clean the bathrooms.... so we did!!! I am sure they will work with you. Hmmm, but this was years ago, by now they will say it is going to harm him some how!
  4. mayday

    mayday Well-Known Member

    The first bell rings at 8:20 and that's when they allow students in the building. People usually get in line earlier than that for carpool so that they are in front of the building and their kids get out first. Obviously, you can walk them up to the door at that time too.

    Hope that helps and good luck tomorrow.
  5. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks all! I think we can work w/ the 8:20 time. That gives us 40 minutes to book it to UNC. Just pre-op tomorrow ljk. But we can NOT miss it. It is for the Cochlear Implants!!!! Can hardly wait. He may be able to actually hear us for real by Christmas as he's activated on Dec. 9th. So excited. If I can knock some sense into my 8yo..urghhh. I'm glad you allowed the parent to do the bathroom clean up. I really am hoping they'll let him clean the buses w/ me supervising. I really want this to be a lessoned learned. What's killing me is he's getting mixed messages. He got in big trouble on the bus yet gets to go to the treasure box for good behavior in class...what?! He's driving me nuts--LOL. Excellent behavior in school, 100's on spelling tests, etc., no problems on morning bus but in the afternoon bus he turns into a you know what. I don't get it. I just don't get it. I told him I'm pulling him off the bus for awhile and making him ride the EC bus. He's NOT happy so I must be doing something right. I'm even going to sign the release and strap him in. I had to do this years ago w/ one son of mine and it only took like 2 weeks and he was golden again. Had no desire to wear a seatbelt on the school bus. Still undecided. Got so much going on and didn't feel like dealing w/ this one this week. Surgery and 24 people coming over Saturday for an early family Thanksgiving. Hey, it's not dull here.

    Thanks again adn I'll be standing at the door w/ him. Wish I could make him walk home. Oh well, I'll get creative. Thanks guys.

    Stephanie-mom to 7
  6. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I hope it all works out for you. I hate that your having trouble with the bus thing. When I first read your post I thought it was the kid on my daughters bus that was a 4th grader and he punched a 3rd grader in the nose and there was blood all over the place. My daughter had it on her gloves. A few kids had it on their clothes. But, she goes to Mcgees Elem. so it's not the same one. I have wondered what happend to him.

    On your son that is having the surgery, I hope that goes so well. I wear a hearing aid in my right ear and should be wearing one in my left as well. (insurance doesn't cover hearing aids). I having been having to wear one since I was 6 years old. It will never get better and my hearing gets worse as I get older. Even though I can hear I can relate to not hearing well at all.
    I hope the best for him and that he can hear all of you for xmas.
  7. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    My DH is in the "hearing business". I believe there are programs to help you get hearing aid ( I think its base on income) Doesn't hurt to check it out.
  8. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I remember something from the beginning of the year at West View that said if you brought your child before 8:20 they would be taken to before school and you would have to pay $5.00. I don't know if that is really what they do but it may be worth a shot--you could call and ask.
  9. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Not sure what those programs are, but If I'm right, they aren't the best hearing aids.
    I don't have the best like I would like to have, but the one I wear now is the best I have ever had, and it was over 2 grand. I have got to have one that is really really good, cause I work around people and I have to hear them. It's getting to the point where I can tell that I need to start wearing one in my left ear as well. Got to finish paying for the one I got now.
    You guys can get back to the right subject lol, I didn't want to steal the thread.
  10. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    How did it go with your son today? Was thinking about you all :)

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