Last year they cancelled it for the year.. I guess it is safe to assume they have cancelled it indefinitely. Anyone hear if they are having it?
We were just talking about this yesterday. I hope they have it this year. It's become a tradition in our family.
I hope they do it this year , We loved going and having hot chocolate in the middle , My kids just loved it and so did i ....:hurray:
From the searching I did, I found some links that talked about the fact it is done and will not be back. I am sure people know about this but it is really nice as well
I doubt they'll have it, heard it was too expensive, and with the economy the way it is...But I would rather go to Meadow anyway! We've only been once, 2 years ago, and loved it! Hope to go again this year, it's definitely something the whole family would love if you've never been! Just make sure to go on a warmer night, the time we went it was FREEZING, and we had to wait in line FOREVER to get on the train, but well worth it for sure.
Last year when it was cancelled I heard it was cancelled indefinitely. I also agree that Meadow is nice. I've taken my boys the last two years and they enjoy it.
We like to go to Meadows too but there is just something special about Walnut Creek for us. DD has been going since she was a baby and now she's 16.
Walnut Creek was good the first 2-3 years. Then people started complaining that there were to many Christian themed lights. So to appease the few, they got rid of all those and just put up lights, wether it was Christmas related or not. Many of them didnt make sense and the luster was lost.
the creek version was actually at greenfield parkway once or twice before it moved over to the creek...
No, I think she was younger than 6. I may be wrong but I thought they started when she was 3 or younger.