It has been many years since I took the test for my learner's permit but has it changed that much? My niece has taken the test , lets just say more than once and I know it can't be that difficult. I love her dearly so I didn't question my brother (her dad) too much. But I know it can't be rocket science. Do you just answer what you know and skip the rest? It was all pen and paper back in my day. Just wanted to hear from you guys on the matter.
If she studied the handbook and attended the ed classes, it shouldn't be that hard. I think if you don't answer at all, it counts against you, so no, she shouldn't 'skip' any, it is still multiple choice.
When I moved to the state several years ago I was warned before going that you need to read the handbook. If you don't you will most likely fail. If you skip questions then it does count against you (did then, a few years ago..don't imagine that has changed). When I took the test it was more statistical questions than actual "practical" driving questions---that's why you really needed to read the book. Hopefully she'll pass it soon!!!