Anyone know to get up with Riccobene?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by FrameMaMa, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Ummmmmm...................I TRIED DANGIT!!:oops:
    I probably ticked off the lady at the desk.
    I tried three times before the call went through I hung up.
    The last time I let it ring, but was too afraid to say anything!:banghead:
    What the heck is wrong with me????
    This is getting frustrating!
    Should I just go up there?
  2. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    Would it be easier on you if you went up there? If so, just stop by and make an appointment. Tell them you were in the area and decided to just stop in instead of calling. :lol:

    You can do this Frame!!! I promise you it won't be as bad as what you're thinking!!

  3. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    I agree! Thinking about going to the dentist is almost always worse than going. Every time I have gone to Dr. R, the anxiety of thinking about it was much worse than the visit. Now I am at the point that I don't even get anxious anymore. You can do it Frame!
  4. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    If that'll make it easier for ya, definitely walk in to make an appointment! They can answer any questions you have, put you at ease as much as possible ... you can see that people arent screaming and bleeding ...

    If you want, drop me an email and I'll meet you up there for moral support and encouragement.
  5. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    This question about TMJ made me laugh (sorry). I went to the dentist (not Dr R) about 7 years ago and had TMJ, only didn't know that's what it was, and had a lot of pain in my jaw. They didn't even know what it was, or care much to find out. A couple days later I went to the dr and found out it was TMJ, he just gave me some anti-inflammatory and told me to take some tylenol (or something similar, don't remember exactly) and it was fine. I've had it a couple other times since then, but not as bad. I'd tell your relative to go to the dr! It can be an ongoing problem once you have it once, but luckily I haven't had it again in probably 4 years. That first time it got so bad I couldn't open my mouth at all, it was horrible!

    I should really move my family to Dr R's office at 4042, I don't care much for my dentist, I swear they've messed up one of my teeth. I've had a filling, root canal, then a crown on one tooth, and it still bothers me - they tell me it's just "sensitive" and to use special toothpaste. :confused:
  6. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Ok I am going to go up there today.
    I have my son with me so I can't look as much like a chicken today.
    Today is his Birthday and he has no school.
    Lucky kid.

    Happy Birthday Kiddo!!:popcorn:
  7. aprilt01

    aprilt01 Well-Known Member

    Let us know how it goes!

    From one chicken, to can do it!!
  8. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Don't be afraid...

    just keep telling yourself and believing that there is nothing in this world you can not endure.

    It's really not bad and they try to be as gentle as possible at Dr. R's. yu can watch TV m listen to music - or just go into your little "happy place." It's worth it.
  9. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Oh, and Dr Riccobene has "mind eraser pills" if you need them!

    note to self.... :lol:
  10. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    It looks like we me have to drag Frame to the dentist :jester:
  11. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    i don't know if he bothers with us anymore onthe board. He is a bit busy ya know....
  12. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Ok I FINALLY drug myself up there.
    I talked to Heather at the front desk.
    Very sweet person.
    Can't make an appointment yet.
    I dont have the $213 dollars it is going to take just to
    get the xrays and planning for what I need.
    Its my own stupid fault for waiting so long.
    I was shaking just standing there talking to her.
    But if I can get the money up I am going to go.
    I have to find my own financing for the rest of it.
    God only knows what THAT is going to cost.:banghead:
  13. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    See Frame, you survived!! I'm so proud of you for going up there!! :hurray:
  14. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Yea but that was just the waiting room.
    Plus I could hear all the sucky noises and stuff coming from the back
    I am making an appointment really soon.
  15. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    "sucky noises"? LOL. that's just spit/drool. it doesn't involve 'pain'. silly woman. :mrgreen:
  16. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Frame - growing up, my parents never took me to the dentist. Never. At 18, I had my first abscessed (sp?) tooth, and had to get it pulled immediately. Ouch. I went once after that for a cleaning, and then stopped going because I was scared of the dentist. About a year later, after moving out of that area, I got another abscessed tooth, and had to get another pulled. Ouch again! I went for another cleaning (just to make myself feel better I think) then stopped going again. When I moved to NC about a year later I told myself I was a grown woman and was going to take care of myself like one. First up? My teeth! So I bit the bullet, and started going to the dentist. At first it was only about once a year, I'd find every reason not to go, and it would just make every visit worse than the last. Now I'm going 3 times a year for cleanings (I get build up really quickly) but they're not that bad, and it doesn't really bother me anymore. I even have had a route canal, and honestly, I felt zero pain! I will admit though, I've always had dental insurance since I've been in NC, so that does help. (but I still had to pay $300 for a crown, that sucks)

    What's my point?? DO IT GIRL!!
  17. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna do it real soon.
    I have made up my mind that I have to get it done.
    I have talked to my husband who has had extensive dental work, and between him and all my friends:mrgreen:, I am finally ready to do this.
    They will have to knock me out, but I think I am ready.
    I think.....

    Sucky noises are still freaky:lol:
  18. gracey1314

    gracey1314 Well-Known Member

    in case anyone is interested.. I'm in school @ Wayne Community College in Goldsboro for dental hygiene. We have a clinic there that runs 3 days a week. Xrays are no charge (even for a full mouth series) and a cleaning is only $20. It does take a little while and sometimes takes more than 1 appointment, and it's a drive (about 1 hour from 4042) but it's an awesome value :) If you just want x-rays you can have them to take to your dentist, which will save you like 100 bucks! :)
  19. Sporadic2000

    Sporadic2000 Well-Known Member

    Bring an Ipod if it is the noise that bothers you.
  20. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Don't have an Ipod. But I get the point.
    Bring something to listen to.

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