Johnston County has a very good web site for results
Wral shows the following on their web page ... There is a check next to Hagan's name ...which is suppose to indicate the winner. They know this with only 4% of precincts reported?
Congrats to Hagan and the Dems. Now, let's watch this state swish down the drain. Good job electing one of the biggest spendthrifts in the country. This is truly a sad day........... Can't wait for the one's who elected them to start crying when they screw it all up.
ANd you don't think Bush and the Republican congress did not spend like drunken sailors. That is my largest disapointment in the Republicans.
FWIW == Cleveland is a very GOP area. I am proud of all that came out to vote over the last 2 week, no matter how you voted. I PROUD that you came out to cast your vote. Thank you. There are MANY MANY new voters in the area. Remember here in JoCo we vote once or twice a year - just about every year --- come out & vote again. Look for that Voter ID Registration POST CARD. Keep it in your purse or wallet. VOTE Next time too. and A big thank you to all the JoCo election workers, the long hours are stressful, Thank you!! Great Job!
Nah, my new version of ZoneAlarm blocks animation, and I can't figure out how to turn it back on. Plus side is no more puking smileys! :mrgreen: