So, on a more serious note: What did you think of Michelle Obama's dress? I thought she looked like a black widow spider (with all that red on her belly)....:mrgreen:
From everything I've read: It was hideous. How could she choose that? It should go back on the rack. Doesn't she have people to warn her against wearing stuff like that? Believe it or not, yours is the only positive comment I've seen.
My two cents By no means am I an expert - these are just my humble opinions.... Bush has a lot to do with where we are today. He brought us to Iraq. He approved the spending increases year after year (rather than shrinking the government like conservatives are supposed to do). He made absolutely no attempt to reduce our reliance upon foreign oil and not lead a charge in investing in new technologies. Now, let's face it. Barack Obama is not going to solve our problems, but he has no where to go but up. I do not agree with all of his policies, but I do think he is an intelligent man that can make a difference for our country. I pray that he will not let the extreme left dictate his decisions. In any event, he needs to prove quite a bit to us. There are 55 million plus that did not vote for him and he's got quite a challenge. He is our president and it is our best interest that he does the job. And the negative talk I hear is a little troubling. I heard some teenagers today say, so when are they going to shoot him? Parents, where do you think they get that from? We need to be above that. Yes we can disagree and we can speak up if we don't like something, however, is this how we want our children to think? I hope not. The president sets the agenda. If we are looking for him to solve our problems, you are going to be sadly disappointed. Life is what we make of it. And if your first inclination is to complain rather than see how you can attack the problem. You will be left behind. Let's have hope and optimism. The next generation is depending on it from you.