Assolliggew There is a new member listed with the name above. It's at the bottom where it states "newest member" (It should be on there now) Is it me, or does anyone else find this screen name derogatory? I'm a Methodist, with no Jewish ancestry, so I don't want to hear from anyone that I'm taking it personally, but, I do find this screen name insulting. If it has another meaning that I'm not seeing, please let me know. If you agree with me, could one of you notify the webmaster and alert him to this screen name, and the problems that I anticipate if this person is allowed to post? Spunky
I don't get it? Maybe I'm just having a blonde moment, but I've said it outloud a few times and I still don't get it?
You know, it could be completely harmless. Take my screen name, it's a reference to my job (Auto GLASS NUT), not some weird medical condition. Mike
I don't get it either, and I've said it outloud and to myself a few times... If you're offended by it and think its derrogatory, why don't YOU explain your concern to webbie and ask him to handle it.
Maybe you should call 911 instead. How dare someone use language like that. What were they thinking? They need to spend a few days behind bars for such behavior.
Okay, this is how I saw it. take the first three letters and the last four I can't type it, or it will be blocked. It's obviously cleverly spelled different. Does anyone see it now?
I don't know, it might just be an odd last name, or something that looks derogatory only if you look at it a certain way, but the user meant something else and would be perfectly harmless if you read it the way it was intended. I do remember another forum where someone had signed up with the name "Jesus". He was summarily bounced when a majority of the members complained that it was sacrilegious. In reality it was his first name. He was from Mexico and his name was pronounced like "hey - seuss".
I can see it the way you do. It's the "A" word, which is a synonym for butt, followed by "hole" (or "holy"?) followed by "Jew".
A---a S---sista S---sits O---on L---long L---legs I---in G---green G---girtles E---every W---week could that be it??
No, I was being serious, trying to understand what you were seeing. And no I'm not a Girl Scout leader... not yet at least. But if you would like, I can find you some Girl Scout cookies. It's about that time of the year for those sinful little cookies to appear. :mrgreen:
I apologize then. Regarding the cookies, I read that there will be less cookies in each box this year!! Is there any truth to this horrible world wide web rumor? If so, Grasshoppers by Keebler are just as delicious, and much less expensive. Spunky
If it offends you why didn't you just send them a private message to have them explain? I'd be ticked if somone just made assumptions and dragged them all over the board without even bothering to ask me about it in private first.
No biggie - I usually don't pronounce vowel correctly at times and just got the a-hole part. I see it since turtle spelled it out vertical. :lol: I think every year they take away 2 cookies and ad a dollar to the price. But they're still worth it!