Ok....so here I am at job number 2 and I get this call from a female (unsure of age but they do this at all ages) and she has this "sing-song, whiny voice" and uses the word "like" as every other word that she says. I cannot STAND that. I think they think it sounds all "cutsie". Well..... it is NOT! It is annoying and makes them sound DINGY!!! Thanks for allowing me to express that. I'm sure I'll a few more of "those" people before the night is over............ :jester:
Ugh....that drives me nuts too. My daughter uses a word, right now it slips my mind right now, but I constantly tease her about it when she starts up with it.
That tactic instantly puts me on high alert, when someone repeatedly uses your name in the conversation. It has "smarmy" sales person written all over it.
Same here, I get put off. Esp when they refer to me by my first name, like we are friends. Except you HG, you can call me whatever you like as long as you call me. :lol:
So Cleopatra, what I hear you saying is that you don't like fake sales people. Is that right Cleopatra? Well, Cleopatra, I can say for sure that I'm not like that. No, Cleopatra, I'm the real deal. Now that's important to you, isn't it Cleopatra? To have a sales person who understand your needs? Cleopatra, let me ask you another question. Would it be fair to say that you buy things? Is that a fair question Cleopatra? I could go on and on and on, but I won't...........lol
Yep - drives me nuts -- I actually work in a law firm where one of the attorneys says like constantly.
I know what you mean - 'you know what I mean....' every other freaking work :banghead: YES! I know what you mean!!!
I don't like it when they call me "honey" or "sweetheart" and especially when they are obviously younger than I am. I just want to say "you don't know me well enough to call me that hon".