Anyone have experience with the Nextar brand? Been thinking about getting the Garmin Nuvi cause I've used it, I know its a good product- but saw this Nextar on sale - so was just seeking y'alls expert advice :mrgreen:
Nextar will lock up on you. The Nuvi is the standard for basic $200 dollar GPS. The Nuvi is all that and a bag of chips.
We've got two Mio's and love them. Don't know how I lived without it. I will probably replace mine next year with a Garmin or a TomTom.
Ok, thanks everyone. Hoping the Nuvi's will be on sale for the holidays...I saw one at Sears black-friday sale for 124.99 - hopefully I'll be able to get one before they get gone! :boxing:
My mother has had a TomTom for a while and loves hers. That being said, she wanted to buy her boyfriend and my sister both TomToms for their birthdays, she got them the TomTom Ones. I had the opportunity to program some basic stuff into them before they were given, and they really are very user friendly. So much so, that DH and I even bought one for my in-laws for their anniversary gift. I love my Nuvi and wouldn't trade it. But for some people who aren't so technolicaly adept, I think the Tom Tom is just a little more user-friendly. Not to mention, I think you can get a Tom Tom One on sale for under $150 just about anywhere now.
If i could ever find mine, I'd love it too -- seems to always be in one of my kids cars when I want to use it though.
I have a Magellan and I gave a Tom-Tom to my son for Christmas last year. In the past, I did have a Garmin (PDA version). One thing about the Garmin is that you have to pay for map updates ($199, if I remember). In the past two years I have downloaded two map updates for my Magellan, both for free. My son has not mentioned having to pay for a map upgrade, which either means Tom-Tom doesn't charge for them or he hasn't tried to download one yet.
I got an email notice that the most recent upgrade on mine was $79. Luckily for me the Nuvi got larengitis (her speaker went bad and she couldn't talk to me :cry: ). I sent it back, and the one they replaced it with had the more recent mapping on it. :hurray:
There are crack codes out there for those updates............... Just saying...........................8)
I've got a Nuvi 200 and love it. In my line of work, it's almost a nessessity. I never know where the jobs are. Check all the major retailers for sales. Walmart, Best Buy, Circuit City, Radio Shack, and Tiger They all sell new and refurbished. Read the reviews also. Mike
We have Magellans in our autos and love them. Had an older version which was stolen a year or so ago.