wow go easy I thought it would be safer to finish rolling one at the stop than driving while rolling.
I went through there last night in the dark - a much different experience than in the daylight. But anyway - I noticed the big word "STOP" painted on the roadway is a good bit further up from the actual stop sign. So the car in front of me went past the stop sign and stopped on top of the painted word "STOP" But it made it look like he was in the middle of the intersection already. The whole experience worried me. Plus people who are driving 55 MPH coming from 42 and don't slow down to 45 when they are supposed to - it's kind of a shocker when you come around that bend and see the stop sign (if you weren't paying attention to the warning signs AND driving too fast!) I see lots of accidents in the future at that location.
I was at that intersection Saturday morning and I came to the stop and then a car came to my left and from the right I saw a BMW. Thankfully I sat there and watched the BMW even though I had the right away because the BMW barreled through the stop sign and even when myself and the car to my left laid on the horn he never even tapped his breaks!!!! He would have taken me out had I gone.
We came through the intersection on Saturday. We laughed about all the warning signs leading up to the intersection. We stopped laughing when the moron coming the other way on Cornwallis blew through the intersection without even slowing down. Good thing nobody was coming across the other way or it would have been ugly. Made me nervous to the point I will not travel down that road again.
Wonder how much tax dollars the DOT wasted by putting those stop signs up. How in the hell you are going to put a stopsign on cornwallis when it is a major road. DOT was too cheap in their decision making and put a 4 way stop there instead of a traffic light. People already around here drive around stupid for the most part, giving them a 4 way stop is dangerous.
Has anyone contacted DOT about there bad decision? Perhaps we all need to be sending some emails to get a second look at this intersection.