The citizens and visitors of the Great State of North Carolina have done such a Fabulous job of conserving fuel that we just have to reward your hard work and dedication by possibly raising the state fuel tax. Thank you one and all for conserving. (that's sarcasim for those who don't understand)
I can ride down the roads here in the wonderful Johnston County, and save them the salaries of at least 5 workers that seem to be just "standing" around doing nothing. Maybe that should be of their concerns instead of picking more money out of us than many other states.
Smart alec. My van stays parked so much that I only have to fill my tank about every 2 weeks. If I stayed home any more than I do, I'd might be labeled a hermit. Now my husband does have to drive to work every day. And since we can't afford (and don't want to :ack: ) live in Cary, how would you propose that he gets himself from here to work every day?
(smiling).... The post included me and my family as well. This is a lesson in economics. When the overall atmosphere of the economy is negative and continues to remain negative, folks tighten their financial belts in order to make ends meet. In tightening our financial belts, the domino effect is that much less tax is generated for local and state governments to collect. This means that all the budgets which local and state governments previously passed and were calculated based upon the "projected" tax income flies right out the window. In order for local and state governments to bring the tax income to where it needs to be in order to cover the spending the governments need to increase the tax to offset you and I spending less and the governments collecting less tax. The more you and I save and conserve the more local and state governments are forced to increase taxes to order to cover their budgets.