Well I probably couldn't say smart *****. :lol: Hey, I need a one liner for the sales people coming up to the house selling meat out of the back of a truck (vomit, yak, gross) :ack::ack::ack: Am I on a list or something, do I look like I need to eat? :lol: TIA!
"Do you think i got this fine as heck body, these tight as heck abs and this well......from meat? Im a vegan!" Well...thats how i see it anyway.
Tell 'em you only eat meat you killed and butchered yourself....................that's not too far from the truth anyway. 8)
I have told a couple of them that I do work for Schwan's that worked most of the time and actually was the truth! :mrgreen: Sort of like telling a Jehovah Witness you are a Catholic, they just give up on you!
Tell him "Ooh, let me go get my wallet,brb" Then close the door & ignore it. Waste a bit of his time on the porch & he wont forget you arent interested next time.
"Lets make a deal. How bout you stop showing up on my doorstep and I won't have to buy a gun." The thing it to make them sound like you're interested and then snap on em. they'll feel like a fool! (hopefully)
That actually happened to me when I lived in Jersey. I had just come from the shooting range when a couple of Jehovia's Witnesses came to the door wanting to talk about gun control. When I asked if they knew what was in my hand, they said "No sir". My response... "This is the bolt action of a 30-06 high powered hunting rifle and I believe that gun control is putting 2 bullets in the same hole." They never came back. By the way, I like the chaulk outline idea. Mike
True story.... I was cleaning my guns one afternoon and was expecting my friend to arrive at my apt at a certain time. About the time I expected him, there was a knock @ the door, So I said "come on in." The door opened and in walks the UPS man with a package. Here I am facing the door with a 9mm in my hand, and 5 other guns on the coffee table. He was bout to crap his pants, so I said, "oh, sorry. I was expecting someone else." I halfway expected the sherriff to show up after he left to find out who I was "waiting" for.
Sure wish I had read this thread earlier for some smart-*** replies!! An insurance salesman came to my door today and practically forced his way inside 3 times before he left. I put my hand out to stop him from coming inside and said NO. He said, "I'm hear to talk to you about cancer." I do understand times are tough for everyone, and I want to be compassionate, but there are ways to do things. You DON'T introduce yourself (without ID or a card) and try to walk in. It's tough all around right now. My advice as a consumer is RELATE, don't force. If a salesperson doesn't know what that means, they need to listen and learn. That being said I told my husband about this and he felt bad for the guy. Trying to pay his bills and such. He's a much nicer person than me I guess.