Yes, I know that this topic has been beaten to death. Yes, I know where the search feature is and how to use it, but I'm not finding what I'm looking for. Please, pretty please, can we not turn this into an ugly thread? I would like, real life recomendations for a church, that has the following: 1- a GREAT youth group. Not just good, but active and busy, and great. 2-Not 10 million people. Nothing against very large churches, but I just feel like I'd be lost, ya know? 3-Real people, with real problems. I'm not Barbie and we don't live in Malibu while Ken goes off to work supporting my $100 purse a week habit. I need to connect with people who understand that just because I have a toddler doesn't mean I can be a stay-at-home mommy. I need activities that are not just during the week, during the day. 4-Contemporary worship 5-Messages that are relavent to today. 6-Preferably Local, it's easier to stay involved that way. Thanks in advance!
sent ya a pm. It's easier than becoming part of the "church drama" that has plagued this board in the past and sent some of us away for a hiatus. Everyone please play nice or don't play.:jester:
Hey Jen, I'm sorry, I can't remember the name of it, but we have gone a couple times but it is just too contemporary for me. It is the Methodist church on Amelia Church Rd I believe, right across from the park and the apartments. You may want to check that one out. It maybe a little larger than you want but it isn't NEARLY as large as "the big one" They have an AWESOME youth program!!!
Church C3 Is an awesome church. They may seem like they are a "Big" church, but the congregation is really very close to one another . They have an awesome kids ministry as well as they do help people who are hurting. They do preach about issues that we all face in the world today as well as have many groups to get involved in. Hope this helps!!!!!
Me too. I don't think he'd want a whole crowd of 4042'ers showing up for Sunday morning and Wednesday night services though! :lol:
Lighthouse Baptist Church on B.H Parrish Rd. (off Sanders Rd). We started going there about a month ago and we are in love. Awesome pastor and congregation. Large, active youth group. PM if you'd like more info.
I have to agree with Michelle. I do not attend there but I know several folks that do. I also know the pastor. Good luck with your search.
Y'all know of any local churches in need of a drummer since we're on the subject? Sort of. I'm looking.:lol: