Need Advice about XBox 360

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by Local Lady, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. Local Lady

    Local Lady Well-Known Member

    I'd like to buy my son an XBox 360 for Christmas (bought a reg XBox last year) but there are so many kinds I'm not sure which to buy. I've read that the regular ones break so easily but that 2 other types are great. ??? I'd appreciate a gamer's expertise.
  2. mimi2

    mimi2 Active Member

    We have the regular XBox 360. We bought a fan attachment and have not had any problems. We have had it over a year.
  3. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    If you are going to use if on an HDTV get the 360 Elite or the "black" unit. It has a 120gb hard drive. If not I'd get the Premium version with a 20 GB hard drive. Like a regular pc, the more the memory the better. Just my two cents worth.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    We've just got the plain ole X-Box 360 and have has zero issues. We use it frequently (well, DH & DS do), both to play games and to play DVD's since we need to replace the DVD player. I imagine they are going to wear it out on Call of Duty 4. :lol:
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    we have the Xbox and the XBOX 360. Just the regular 360. my boys love it and we have not had any problems, they have had it for 4 years now.....
  6. H3xKing

    H3xKing Well-Known Member

    Get the regular XBox 360. Not the arcade, or the elite (unless you plan on spending tons of money on downloadable content you won't need the extra HDD space for the extra $100).

    The new standard 360 comes with a 60Gb Hdd which should be plenty. The $199 arcade version has no hard drive so you would need to spend more money on memory cards for game save storage.

    Regardless of which version you buy, I would recommend purchasing a fan to keep the unit cool. I have the one here you will definitely want to get a cooling unit because they are notorious for running hot.

    Good luck.

    BTW bigunc - the standard has had HDMI for some time now, mine does 1080p :)
  7. Local Lady

    Local Lady Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone!

    Thanks for the advice. Its helped to clear things up a little. Have a great weekend.
  8. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I know the standard has had the HDMI for a while but my point was why get the way smaller hard drive? And the 360 does not put out 1080 but only 720p. Only the PS3 puts out true 1080p.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2008
  9. H3xKing

    H3xKing Well-Known Member

    That was supposed to be - 'mine does 1080p' (as in; the 360 looks D@MN GOOD on my 1080p flat panel)

    The smaller HDD is only an issue if you purchase a lot of online content, 60Gb is plenty.
  10. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    But why not save some money in the long run and get the PS3 which is a blu ray player, and kill 2 birds with one stone, by having a game console as well as a blu ray player all in one.

  11. Local Lady

    Local Lady Well-Known Member

    From what I've read & been hearing, I'd rather get them a PS3 as long as its not the newest model which won't play their old P1 & P2 games. Thats a requirement. Has to have the 4 ports. Looks like I'll have to buy one used to get that though. They won't be doing a lot of live or online type things with it anyway.
  12. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I've never understood the "won't play their PS1 and PS2 games" as a viable argument. Here's the deal, THEY WON'T WANT TO PLAY THOSE GAMES AFTER GETTING THE PS3!" They will want all the new games. They'll never touch the old games. And the PS3 being Blu-Ray is the reason to get the unit over the 360 until Microsoft can catch up. This is coming from a three time owner of a 360 too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2008
  13. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    As a game system junkie (so to speak) I can honestly say that I play my original PS1 games as well as some of my SNES games as much as I do any of the newer games. With the exception of Tiger Woods Golf. Love that game, but most of the time I'm actually playing my older games more than new games.

  14. jokerswilds75

    jokerswilds75 Well-Known Member

    Hell yeah to the old games. I still have the original NES with the mario bros cartridge.. yes I said cartridge not CD LOL. Play it all the time!!

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