My Prayers and support goes out to all and their Families, you pay the ultimate sacrifice and I for one will always remember. A Big THank You and May God Bless you all and your Families.
Our family's thoughts are with all Veterans on this wonderful day. Thank you for protecting our freedom, Sherry
Thanks to all my fellow service members before, during and after my time..........Happy Veterans Day!!!!! :cheers::hurray: :grouphug:
Thank you and God bless all those that have served and serving today. It’s a scary world out there. Most people have no idea how bad things could be if certain elements in this world have their way. I have seen the dark side and it isn’t good.
I called my dad today and thanked him and I think I blew his mind! LOL I also thanked my son and he was like, why are you thanking me, i am not a day he will understand. God bless them all!!!