What's new in the neighborhood?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by waggernc, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. waggernc

    waggernc Guest

    Recently noticed that the business "Head Turners" (located next to the dance studio on Cleveland School Road) has now changed into a gym. There is not a sign up or any information on the door. Anyone know about this new business? Thanks for the help.
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    It's not really a 'new' business, they just relocated to this building. It used to be Body Contours, (which used to be beside Cleveland Auto) now its called Body Creations, phone number is 359-1660.

    It's an all women's gym, hours are like 6am-9pm M-Th, not sure about the weekend hours. What else do ya wanna know?
  3. Well what happened to Head Turners then?
  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    He closed up shop but you can still buy parts

    PM me if you want the phone #
  5. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I was a member of the gym BEFORE they moved...too bad they left half their equipment behind. (actually I was told it was on lease) Members were told in the letter regarding the move that all equipment would stay the same...yeah, right. Where's the circuit then?

    Sorry!!! Venting over!

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