I think you would like Mount Zion Methodist church located on Hwy 50. Even though we are a Methodist church we have members who were not Methodist. Come join us one Sunday to see what you think. Here is the website. http://www.mountzion-umc.org/
I would recommend you try Turner Memorial Baptist. We have a great kids and youth program. Messages that are relevant to today. It is great, we love it there.
When they find out you're telling everyone about your ten pound wiener, it may be difficult to get in anywhere. :mrgreen:
Oh goody!! Scott's wife is a friend of mine but I did not know that Lighthouse had moved. The church used to be further than we wanted to travel. They're much closer now - going to go check them out soon! :hurray:
We've been several times and we participated in Trunk or Treat there. We absolutely love the good folks there. PM me when you decide to go and we'll have to look for each other!