You could drop them off at my house, but you have to come back and get them.... :lol: Wonder if this child could have been saved, you know if Grandma had not been a psychopath. That's the other side of the coin, would some folks even have it in them to want to do right by the child if they are capable and follow through on such evil? Grandmother, Aunt Charged In 4-Year-Old's Starvation Death
I couldn't make it through about the 3rd paragraph, and I closed it. I can watch people go through surgery, watch an autospy being performed, babies being born, and even ultimate fighting, but I can not even stomach reading about children being hurt, killed or tortured. I just can't take it.
Those 2 need to be SHOT. ooooooooo!! I need to find someone to cuss for me!!! (#@$()$*@()* I could RIP out the hair on those 2 women's heads! :cry::cry:
There is no excuse for doing that to children. I would love to do the same thing to them. Takes about three weeks to die of starvation, depending on a few factors. My kids drive me nuts sometimes, but just imagine life without them, it makes you want to go hug them and never let go.
I could NEVER leave my kids anywhere. That being said, Dr. Phil did a special on this and one lady had a teenage daughter that had psychological problems and she didn't have insurance so no one would help with her child. She threatened toleave her there just so the girl could get help. I felt sorry for the mom. She was trying to get help and no one would help her. She said, "fine" you take her. Needless to say, she got the help and kept her daughter. I do think that some kids are better off without their parents. You hear SO (TOO!!!!) many stories about the abuse kids take. What choices are there? It really breaks my heart. I teach and I can't stand for them go hungry at lunch!
Flip side here. Okay, I know from the surface this looks bad. But I have seen AND experienced alot of things through the eyes of children affected with mental health issues. Some of these cases are SO incredibly severe you can not even begin to phathom what has happened to the child to make them do such seemingly evil things. I am a parent advocate and a member of such private groups where people can discuss freely what has happened to them via their children.( I won't even discuss here the countless stories I've heard on the boards of abuse, torture and even the unthinkable) Yes, w/ correct therapy SOME can be healed. You have to give them a chance to heal from past trauma. BUT, they got hte help they needed and continue to receive help. HOwever, the insurance companies are famed for not giving necessary coverage for mental health disorders as regular medical disorders. This is something I face personally every single month. What the insurance companies do not realize is that this is just as important as regular medical issues, if not more so as these mental health disorders CAN and DO affect many others around the person w/ the dx. It's tragic by all means. I live it! I understand how some of these folks can do this as they spend countless hours searching for help from the county, the state, their insurance companies, etc. and no one but no one will help their mentally ill child. All they want is to desperately help their child. Many children with mental health disorders can lead normal lives w/ proper interventions. However, many families can not get the help they need for their children. Our help ends in January. Would I ever leave my children, probably not. Don't beat me for saying probably here, let me explain. I know families who've had to disrupt and rehome their children(both adopted and bio) for various reasons. They felt it a safety reason if the child was abusing whether it be sexually or physically their sibs. Or if they were so mentally ill that safety was a true concern for their child or other family members. These are all things that happen everyday to folks that people just don't talk about. Again, many can get help. Just help is hard to come by due to lack of insurance coverage. STate has just AGAIN cut mental health coverage here. I know as some of our family is receiving services. Mental health is a disorder you can not see. But it is real and these are real people. It is NOT easy for these parents to make this gut-wrenching decision. Unless I walk in their shoes, I can not judge them. It's just that I know ALOT of stories as to why folks would leave their children. Now, if it is just an obnoxious teen that parents don't want to deal w/ then that is an entirely different story and I do not at all agree with that. NOw, if some of these cases are parents having to leave their mentally ill child to try to get htem the help they need, I think it is a different story. Just trying to show another side. I can not imagine leaving my children at any point though I was instructed to years ago w/ one of my kids. You have to be able to give love through the tough times to get to the good sould buried deep inside some of these children who need help. I do hope that is the case w/ these children in Nebraska and not just lazy parents who want to not deal w/ their teens behaviors. I hvae 3 teens, I know how that goes too--LOL. It's the children I fear that are being hurt the most by all this. It's a rarity people adopt teens. I think this will go to show that there needs to be more community support help for some of these families to reach out to. And not be afraid to ask for help if the going is tough. Hope I didn't step on any toes or fuel the fire. Not my intentions. I just know of so many tragic situations and wanted to tell another side that may be happening here. Again, just MY opinions based on MY experiences. I don't claim to be an expert--LOL. I just know there are usually two sides to a story. There are safe haven places here if I'm not mistaken. Definitely makes me appreciate my kids more though when hearing this stuff. Got to go. Have a great weekend. Stephanie--mom to 7
Guess they got tired of the all the teens being dropped off for them to deal with?