Well, to be honest the Duck-billed Cliffster inspired this new thread. He was seemingly suprised to find that I enjoy the song "Kung Fu Fighting." Now I know we all got them songs that we love but are ashamed to admit to the general public. Consider the a therapy session and share with the group your favorite song that everybody loves to hate. Have fun...
Well bro, at least somebody made something of it. lol Most folks just liked them for their good looks, but I'm bettin you admired their raw talent and georgeous hair, right?
I like that one too... but I like to make up my own words like... "I'm too sexy for my cousin"... "I'm to sexy for sleeves"...etc Good choice!
Personal Faves: Life is a Rock - Reunion Pop Muzak - "M" Troglodyte - Jimmy Castor Bunch Junk Food Junkie - Larry Grace I used to have a radio show on an independent (ie, never made money) radio station in California (KKUP). My on-air name was Dr. Ironbeard** and I played music that you might hear on Dr. Demento. You wanna talk about "Dumb Songs", I have a list you wouldn't believe. **The entire name of my show was "Dr. Ironbeard's Medicine Show and Museum of the Absurd"
I'm 33. The first 45 I ever bought Juice Newton's "Playing With the Queen of Hearts.":jester: Oh well I was only 6. Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4feL1lhBidk