I hear ya~! I will, girl. My life has been in an uproar for the past 6 months. I'm ready for some calm...
Thank you so much for those of you who have been contacting me to give me your donations! We still have a LONG way to go, but EVERY little bit helps! So keep digging deep!
Jen, can I run over to your house this weekend to drop some stuff off? I've got a few games, I'm going to get the CD on Thursday, and a gift card or two (I need to look at Thursday's paycheck).
Hey guys, i talked to Jen last night and we thought for convenience sake, if anyone wants to drop off their donations locally, some of us will be at CDH on Wed the 26th from 12pm - 2pm to accept the donations and deliver to Jen's house. Just throwing out another option to make it convenient for anyone that wants to donate. Thanks again to Jen for organizing and running this every year:hurray:
I plan to donate something. Is it ok to only donate 1 or 2 items? It may be all I can get right now but I wnt to do something..........
We would be thankful for you to donate, whatever, how much ever, you want. Every single donation counts and it all adds up. Thanks!
I posted under Money Matters about Walmart's clearance on clothing, and Michele thought I should post it here too for those who might be shopping for clothes for these families. The men's and girl's sections have some clothes marked down to $1! The other clothing sections probably do to, but I didn't look. I found some nice men's shirts and pants for my 4 yr old for a dollar each! Also for those with Hannah Montana fans, some of her name brand clothes are marked down. I saw t shirts for $3 and $5, and jeans for $11 and night shirts that I can't recall the price on right now. Oh yeah and they had Wall-E (that robot movie), tshirts for toddlers for $1.
Just a reminder, i have been contacted by a couple of people that are gonna drop things by, so if anyone else wants to just come on by.
I have a little something to donate, if anyone is out my way. Not much, but something. I also am donating to toys for tots along with my usual stuff. Hoping to hear from some others that I have mentioned this to and hoping to get more donations.
FF- Don't know where you live, but I'll be glad to meet you somewhere! REMINDER!!! There are only two weeks left to donate! If you have $5 or $500, we need it! You can donate via paypal, cash, giftcards, gifts, etc. I'll be glad to meet you somewhere, or have one of my elves meet you! This project is not possible without your help. Thank you so much to those who have already donated!
Is it possible to get an update on what's needed. I'm planning on doing some more shopping this weekend and still haven't decided what I wanted to get...presents or just cash.:neutral:
Hmm, well let's see here. Family #1- Still looking for the ACDC CD, although I think Elims said she was buying it, I don't have it yet? Also, giftcards for Play N Trade, or any music/electronic type store. Dollhouse PEOPLE, I have the furniture, but no people. Family #2-Clothes, girly stuff for the 9 year old. Giftcards for clothes for the 13 year old. Family #3-Craft kits, another skateboard, jumpropes, hula hoops...giftcards for clothes. Does that help?