I can't even imagine the pain she felt. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,453926,00.html An Australian woman says she will have nightmares for the rest of her life after a horrific operation gone wrong. During the ordeal, Rebecca Jones, 24, claims she woke up during abdominal surgery at a hospital in Alice Springs, located in Australia's Northern Territory. She could feel every cut of the surgeon's knife, but was unable to scream for help because the anesthesia had paralyzed her, the Centralian Advocate reports. A study released in March of this year found that as many as 30,000 Americans wake during surgery each year. Jones said she woke up just as doctors at Alice Springs Hospital were about to start the full operation. She could not open her eyes, but could hear and feel everything. "I was very aware of what was happening to me," she said. "I thought the doctors had woken me up because the surgery was over — I quickly realized that was not the case. "It first hit me when I tried to take a breath," she continued. "I couldn't move and started to panic. I could feel them cutting me open. I can't describe how it felt. I've never felt anything like it before." The hospital's general manager Vicki Taylor said in a written statement that Jones was "awake" during surgery, but said the hospital was unaware of the pain she suffered. Click here to read more on this story from news.com.au.
It happens, happened to my Grandmother during back surgery, she actually tried to get off the table, at least they knew she was awake. I woke up during a procedure once, luckily nothing as painful as what that poor lady endured. Now I warn the docs if I have to be put to sleep that I don't have normal reactions to anesthesia. Had to be put to sleep last year and at first he didn't believe me, but afterwards said it took a double dose to get me out. :?
didnt they make a movie about situations like these? anyone see it? i wanted to but i was too scared. i would be horrified
I've seen a special on Discovery Channel about this. THIS is why I don't ever want to have surgery!!!
When I was young, I woke up during my tonscillectomy. It was scary as heck...but not as scary as my mom's reaction when she heard me scream as she stood outside the operating room doors.
I was about to have a procedure done a few years back when the they thought they had be under. I wasn't strapped down cause I heard them say something about beginning and I was able to sit up and tell them that I was NOT asleep yet, they had to stop! They jumped out of their crocs!