I think this was the first tape I ever got in grade school! Loved it! Anything by Paula Abdul Cotton Eye Joe and I don't remember anyone mentioning this one: ICE ICE BABY!!
My DS's team listens to this before every game. They are the Cleveland United ICE ... :jester: and of course I sing right along with it!!!
Don't know if its a dumb song, but I just love Talking in Your Sleep by the Romantics. Still love Vanilla Ice too....lol
It was a couple of years (maybe 3 or 4?) after I got my tape in grade school that it went on to CD so yeah, they were around.
Buttermilk biscuits - Sir mix alot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4s_o0E5zIF4 Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c565KG97WvU
damn Clif they are blowing by you like trash on the highway. I will acknowledge the post, yeah some classic stuff mentioned.
That would officially be: "Mississippi Squirrel Revival" One of his best. (I'm also kind of partial to "Dudley Doright of the Highway Patrol" and "The Camping Trip")
Nah, not everything (in my opinion). Yes, he's very good, but he has had a couple of flops (in my opinion). "My Bologna" "Mr. Frump in the Iron Lung" "Hooked on Polkas" "Nature Trail to Hell" Just as examples.