Did you have XM before? Well if not, it's been on Sirius on since 10-28-2004. Anyways, it's all good. Except for Backspin 43 being gone that is.
I have XM. in my car, my house, my boat, streaming at work. and now since the merge, I get the best of both. so it's brand spanking new to me!! :hurray:
Exactly. I could never go back to regular radio. It's great. I don't want to hijack the thread so I'll name another "dumb song" I like. "Wild Thing" The original one from the 60's.
We'll assume you mean the Trogs' version. There was a take-off done right after JFK took the White House done to sound like him. best i remember, it was done by Vaughn somebody, (Meader rings a bell, don't know if that's right) Just did a search, Vaughn Meader put out the comedy album "The First Family" Which included "Wild Thing".
I just caint beleive some of the crap we put on our expensive little MP3 players! You guys are a hoot! Remember: Back in the day, everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!
captain and Tenille(ms) Do that to me one more time. Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon Delight. I remember when I was in High school I was a huge John Denver fan and would go to all his concerts in NYC. One time he had Starland Vocal Band as his opening act and the fans in Madison Square Garden boo'd them off stage. We kept chanting 'WE Want John Denver"
That would be awesome, thanks! What's that country song, where they guy keeps calling the other guy gulio and he keeps correcting him "julio. julio"