The Israeli Air Force is ready to attack Iran's suspected nuclear weapons project if diplomacy fails to persuade the Islamic Republic to halt uranium enrichment, said Commander Ido Nehushtan in an interview published Tuesday.,2933,455005,00.html I love Israel. They don't take any crap from anybody.
They will need our assistance to be able to pull off bombing Iran. If this is going to happen it will be very soon. Obama will never sign off on it.
Why? They didn't need our assistance when they bombed Iraq. We didn't assist them when they fought Egypt Jordan and Syria combined. They may have asked permission to bomb Iran (only out of politeness, since we're in the area and could be affected), but they didn't (nor will they) ask for assistance.
Yes, and? That still doesn't explain your belief that Israel needs our assistance. Logistically, they don't. They have run at least one (and probably more) simulation that they were very happy about, and we weren't involved with that.
Unless they have modified their F16's and F15's they will never be able to reach Iran and get back without running out of fuel. They will need our refuelers to be able to make it. I know they purchased bunker bombs from us not to long ago. These bombs are pretty heavy which will weigh the planes down further. This will require more fuel for thier planes to condct the operation.
They'd never reach them anyway, unless you think Jordan or Syria is going to just let them fly right over their airspace. Of course they could launch from the Persian Gulf (yes, Israel has carriers), but then they'd be too close to hostile waters for a safe launch. No, I think they'd much prefer to use their Jerico medium range missles. Highly accurate and virtually unstoppable.
This article is from an Israeli news website. It sounds like they have asked for our help and we turned them down.
You might want to check that out a little more closely, especially the later years. Actually, they do ask and need the assistance. Israel is not economically self-sufficient, and relies on foreign assistance and borrowing to maintain its economy. Since 1985, the United States has provided $3 billion in grants annually to Israel. Since 1976, Israel has been the largest annual recipient of U.S. foreign assistance, and is the largest cumulative recipient since World War II. In addition to U.S. assistance, it is estimated that Israel receives about $1 billion annually through philanthropy, an equal amount through short- and long- term commercial loans, and around $1 billion in Israel Bonds proceeds.