Dad searching for his girls- HELP

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mcclouds6, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member

    Can anyone give advice please. My brother and his ex wife have two young girls. Brother has every other weekend visitation. Brother has moved on with his life and has a current girlfriend and she is pregnant. Ex found out gf is pregnant and brother went last weekend to pick up his girls and they were no where to be found. Brother pays child support. He filed a contempt order but officials can not serve it because she is in hiding. Mom is one of those people that go doctor to doctor and get different types of prescribe medication. Several people have seen her driving over center lines. Slurring with speech, she even overdosed on Methadone several years back. Mom is one of those people that abuse the system and will make up things go swear on a bible and have Dad thrown in Jail and when it is time for court she does not show. Mom is living off the system and "neglected to inform child support she receives SSDI for her children so she is living in government housing and getting 3k a month, while brother only receives 800 a month, after paying child support. Brother has been so distraught not knowing where his kids are or if they are doing alright. Mom has a boyfriend and refers to him as motorcycle man, so that the children will not tell the family what his real name is. The children are DAD's whole life and the officials will not help, but I am telling you now if he had done this his butt would have been thrown in jail so fast....
    Please pass this along to anyone you can, we need to find this woman, so she can be served. If anyone has any advice that can help us we would appreciate it so much since officials arent doing anything
  2. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    How can we help? Kinda confused.

    Call WRAL news
  3. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member

    Dad needs help

    Just wanted someone to give me some other ideas on what we could do?
  4. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    Hire the A-team? :p

    Seriously tho, Hire a private investigator and a lawyer.

    If his name is on anything like the cell phone, he can get the records & maybe find her that way.

    If the kids go to school, she might pick them up there or whatever.
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    If your brother has papers that state he has visitation every other weekend, then call the police. Like someone else said, where are the kids in school? go to the school.
  6. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    I strongly disagree with this...domestic issues should not be handled on school grounds. They are always highly emotional and often end violently. The school is not a good place for this. A private investigator should be able to find the person with minimal effort, especially if they pay taxes, or have a phone, or work, or collect any government monies, etc.
  7. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Could we get a description of the "mom" or what type of car she drives? What vicinity she may be in?? 4042'ers have LOTS of eyes everywhere!!!!
  8. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I agree, of course. I was not implying that he do anything on school grounds, but perhaps he can watch the girls get dropped off, watch them go home and figure out where they are living.
  9. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member

    Description of Mom

    She is about 5-6, weighs about 100lbs, red hair, straight, wheres sun glasses all the time, has freckles, and drives an older white mini-van she is in the four oaks area
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Not really pertinent to the OP, but if she is all those things why does Dad not have custody? Just seems this could have been prevented. I am not trying to add insult to injury... just wondering outloud. Hopefully when this is taken care of, he will go that route.
  11. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member


    Dad works and Mom doesnt and when custody was being decided who ever finished parenting classes first got the custody. Maybe if we can ever find her then the custody will be switched. It is just sad to seem him crying like the way I have seen him. He has called the police dept and they said it is not their job, he called the sheriffs dept they said take out contempt order papers- he did- she is hiding therefore can not be served- called magistrate last night they said warrants have not been issued yet, call the warrants department. One of this daughters have to have a surgery Mom did not notify him, other daughter has a blood disorder and was not notified.

    We just dont know what to do

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