I Did It!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by FrameMaMa, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I finally went to Riccobene's office!
    I made it through my appointment.
    I feel like such a boob, I sat in the chair and cried I was so afraid.:oops:
    I saw Dr. McNeely, he was very nice. I can't remember the name of the
    hygienist that helped me, she was from Kenya, and so sweet.
    She talked me through everything and made sure that I understood.
    HOLY CRAP I am looking at getting a LOT of work done. About 9 grand worth.
    That is going to take some time.
    But I did it! I finally faced my fear with the dentist.
    They are so going to have to knock me out.
    Anyone had the sedation before???
  2. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    sedation is great!!!!! I had alot of work done there back in March, and I mean alot. Thank goodness for insurance is all I can say. FYI there is an option through care credit, it works like a credit card but if your charge is over $300 ( i think thats the amount), it is interest free for up to 1 year. Dr. R's office can explain all of it to you, if they didn't already.

    Be proud of yourself for taking the first step. Trust me, I was about to go crazy just sitting in the waiting room and I won't even get into when I actually got to go back. I hate the dentist office. Very bad, tramatic experiance as a child.
  3. Tweetyluvzme

    Tweetyluvzme Well-Known Member

    sedation is great!!! i was put under when my wisdom teeth were pulled. thank goodness for sedation!!! :hurray:
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Congradulations on going through with it. Do the sedation!

    The other extreme is my Step-Father, an old sailor, he will not allow any pain killers, sedatives or freezing.
  5. shygrrl

    shygrrl Well-Known Member

    Congrats for gettting through it Frame! The people at Dr. R's office are all so nice!! I changed to them after being with my dentist for YEARS but I couldn't resist after all the positive feedback. Glad I did. Have to get a crown next month and not looking forward to it but I know they will take care of me :)
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Frame....way to go!!

    I can also recommed my dentist, Dr Jason Mullen (website mullendental.com) behind the DMV office off 42. His practice is new, and his staff is excellent. He was formerly with a large dental practice, but wanted to get out on his own.
    They don't come any better than Dr Mullen.

    Jason W. Mullen D.D.S., P.A.
    100 Pinecroft Dr.
    Clayton, NC 27520
    Phone: (919)585-7321

    Congrats......and good luck.

    BTW, Sedation is the way to go. takes all the unpleasantness out of the dental visit.
  7. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys for all your support.
    I have always been afraid of the sedation in anything fearing that I would not wake up or worse that I would feel the whole thing and not be able to move!!
    Didn't a girl die from dental sedation a few years ago?
  8. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Girl it is all good with Dr. R., i have had a lot of major work done with him and the sedation is totally cool, the pills he gives you are great and you feel nothing or remember nothing but you are not totally out of it, i called them my mind eraser pills:lol: Congrats on finally going, it took me a lot more years than you and i am the biggest baby when it comes to going to the dentist but honestly, they were great and it was painless (except for after but he gave pills for that too).
  9. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Congrats Frame!!!! You have inspired me to consider conquering my fear and calling Dr. R.
  10. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    LOVE DR R!!!! :cheers:

    The *mind eraser pills* are awesome!

    I remember blow drying my hair and then I was nekkid in my own bed :lol:

    DH brought me home and PUT me in bed after my wisdom teeth were yanked out. Not sure what happened in between. :lol:
  11. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, you guys almost have me convinced to get my wisdom teeth out with the "mind eraser pills". I am not doing it till Dr.R says I absolutely "have" to! I am glad you had a great experience! All his DRs are great!
  12. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    Way to go Frame!! :hurray: I'm so proud of you!!

    I've had sedation and it is wonderful. Dr. R did a root canal and a crown on me about a year ago....yep, I was knocked out. It was great!! :lol: I didn't even hurt later. Never used the pain pills he gave me. Go for it girl!!!

  13. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    cool, sounds like the sedation thing is the way to go.
    I have some phone calls to make for the financing...yet another payment Grrrrrr:banghead:
    But I will be back to them soon, My appointment with Dr. R is on December 22nd.
    That is my "sedation consult".
    Hopefully things will go well. I am sure they will.
    I could not have done it without a little shove from my friends;)
  14. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    Proud of ya, Frame. Fear of dentists is a biggie and not easy to get over. Glad you were able to do it. Imagine how great you'll feel once it's all done and you'll have more self-confidence as well-both from being able to face your fears and the improvements in your mouth!
  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Make sure someone drives you there and home!!!

    Just saw Dr. R today - LOVE HIM!!!
  16. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Ahhhh. Good to know.
    I would hate to get there and not be able to be sedated.
    "I wanna be sedated"
    sorry got that song stuck in my head.:lol:
  17. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay, Frame, thanks for the possible "push" for me to go. I'm the biggest chicken in the world when it comes ot dentists. My kids go regularly but last time I went was college. Shamed to even admit it. I'm terrified. I've had not just one horrifying experience, but 3. I know I need to go. Just scared. And btw, I've taken sedation pills before for another type of doc and they had the opposite effect. It was vicodine. NOt sure if Dr. R gives the same kind. I know if I go to the dentist though, he'll think I'm a complete nut job. Probably has never seen a more terrified patient before. --another doc told me this once. I want to go and wondering if Dr. R would be even equipped to handle a nut job patient like me. Anyone know? Anyone's fears been to the extreme? Put it this way, at first I could not even go back to the dentist office my kids went to. Flipped out w/ just even seeing hte "chair." I can do it now and their staff has been great but it's a pediatric dentist. This btw is the first time I've ever admitted this. My mom knows when all this fear started and how. However, she can't fix it either. Wondering if anyone on here has tried those sedation specialists in Raleigh that say they'll handle extreme fears. Should I go there or try to give Dr. R a shot? Frame, you've really made me start to think I need to get this done. Wish I were like one of my kids...one of my daughters can't feel pain. Ah, to borrow that problem for just the day--LOL.

    Thanks Frame! At least you've got me thinking about it. Good luck to you on the 22nd. We'll be thinking aobut you.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  18. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    I think I AM the worst patient ever. In fact ... they had to have me put in the back office after one of the visits because I was having such an anxiety attack. they almost called the ambulance on me. After I calmed a bit, I asked the lady in the back (whom I assume handles insurance and stuff) how many crazy woman she had back there ... she said I was the FIRST patient ever to be brought back there. GASP. I then went to a man who gave IV sedation. I am sure Dr. R and his staff are excellent, but yeah they weren't for me. I still have panic attacks just driving NEAR that office. My husband had to go in for something and I was with him and I about stopped breathing just being in the parking lot.
  19. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Hey girl, don't be too afraid. I went and survived even though I thought I wouldn't.
    Everyone there was sooooo sweet, and reassuring. They explained to me everything that they were doing, and they even did not do the cleaning because I was so terrified.
    Vicodene is not a sedation pill, I don't know what they gave you, but no wonder it had an opposite effect. Vicodene is a very strong narcotic.
    You can go girl! If I can do it you can too. If you need a little extra umph, just let me know, I will go in with ya. We can be chickens together.
    Dr. R has IV sedation there. At least that is what Dr. McNeely said.
  20. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    Dr. R has IV sedation there.

    He didn't the last time I was there. He made me go to a raleigh office. Maybe they've changed.

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