But I didn't see the bands position in the parade, as far as near the front or whatever....personally, I think they will be!
The WJHS band will be the last high school band in the parade. The parade will be televised from 9am to 12pm on NBC. It is estimated that the band will perform at about 11:15, but again, this is just an estimate....
The parade starts at 9am, the first hour will be a lot of Broadway shows, and stuff. CBS is showing the parade but to see performances in front of Macy's (Herald Square) you have switch channels to watch NBC (and you want to see this performance...it's a good one!!) West should be 'stepping off' around 10 am since they're near the end of the line-up and you should be able to see their minute and a half show at Herald Square around 11-11:15ish. The kids will have to be lined up and ready to warm-up/run through in the middle of the night (3am?) Ingognito and I will be out there before the sun comes up (loaded with coffee) so we can get some good pictures...woohoo!
OK. I don't know anything about this except what I've read on here. So will they just be announced as West Johnston High School band, or just Johnston County band, or what? And thanks for the teal and white info, I didn't even know that much! Anything else I should know? So all the high schools usually perform together (as in - in a row?) I'll be watching for them! I don't know anyone in the band, or even in the school really, but I'll be cheering for them nonetheless! And I've told all my family in NY state to be watching it on TV as well! It's a pretty big deal!
They will be spaced through-out the parade (as most are). And I'm sure they will make some sort of announcement, probably WJHS from Benson, NC? Another poster mentioned they are supposed to be the last band in the parade, but doesn't neccessarily mean that will be the 'end' of the parade. There is write up in the Herald that came today that mentions time. http://www.theherald-nc.com/front/story/9673.html
:hurray: Wow...they were great. James Madison University was there also (hometown that I lived for almost 8 years) It was a great show and my girls loved it Hope you all had a nice day